R.I.P. Olympia - Library opened in honor | Golden Skate

R.I.P. Olympia - Library opened in honor

GS Forum Staff

Final Flight
Jan 11, 2008
We are sad to announce that one of our dearest posters, Olympia, passed away on Sep 30, 2014. Our thoughts and prayers to go out to her friends and family members. Olympia, a member for over five years, was a model poster. She was knowledgeable in an abundance of topics and would have purposeful and fun discussions with anyone. We will miss her dearly.

Her obit can be found here.

A forum has been added in honor of Olympia called the "Library" where you can introduce and discuss your favorite books.
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Mar 23, 2010

i'm sorry to hear this.. rest in peace my dear olympia.. a great and passionate fan who didn't side with anyone.. just the love for skating..


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
Oh my god!!! I am very sad. I miss her so much. We used to fawn over Dai. :cry: oh No!!,


Final Flight
Feb 10, 2014
I'm sorry to hear this. I joined the forum far too late to be close to her, but it's hard not to see the positive effect she had on this forum. Lovely person through and through, may she rest in peace.


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
It's a real loss for us here on the Forum and even more so for people who knew her in person I'm sure.
Olympia's posts were positive and interesting.
I miss you!


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2010
We've lost one of our own. I called her office in New York this morning and got the news from the owners. She had worked with them since 1977 and was considered family. She worked on school curriculum matters which will surprise no one here! We had chatted over the years on many topics but I think I got to know her really well during Worlds in London. She could not come so I got her some gifts from the event and sent them to her; that's when I found out who she was. We have shared a lot since. She loved folk music, Stan Rogers in particular, old movies, had a passion for the arts, and most certainly, a love for language.
But I think what I will remember most is that voice of reason, that intellect, that incredible spirit of generosity in this group. She was a very deep profound woman. I never met her in person; I don't even know what she looked like but I met her here. And I must console myself with that.
Her former colleagues are devastated by the loss and I've made them aware of our group. Sad sad day.


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2012
This is very sad. She was amongst my favorites of all the posters because of her compassion, kindness, level-headedness and insight. Decency throughout. A beautiful soul who radiated that beauty in her posts. Rest in peace.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2013
Oh my god, I thought she was a college student... I am also impressed by her beautiful, thoughtful and kind posts and was wondering why isnt she post recently...May she rest in peace..


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
So sad. Olympia always had something to add and found the most effect way to do so. She seemed so genuine. This is a huge loss for us. My heart is broken today :cry:


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
:cry: She was my favorite poster. So smart , kind, patient,I thouth about her she is educated and she has so many knowledge about everything. Some days ago I was thinking about Olympia, where is she? I have not read her posts of several weeks. R.I.P. Olympia..
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Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
We have to take comfort knowing she made a difference and that Olympia is posting from above. RIP!


Dec 22, 2012
And just week ago we were wondering why she didn't post recently. :cry:

I was thinking the same thing. She will be missed. She was one of the most respectful and thoughtful posters in this forum. She was positive about every skater. RIP


On the Ice
Feb 16, 2010
I am so sorry to hear this. Olympia was a lovely person, and one of the most generous posters at GS. She had a great outlook - she seemed to find something positive to say about every skater.

Her contributions will be much missed.

May she rest in peace.