Dance Academy | Golden Skate

Dance Academy

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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family

Director: Samantha Strauss, Joanna Werner

Cast: Xenia Goodwin, Alicia Banit, Dena Kaplan, Isabel Durant, Jordan Rodrigues, Thomas Lacey, Keiynan Lonsdale, Tara Morice

First aired:

Overview: At Sydney's National Dance Academy, a few talented youngsters are recruited for the excruciatingly tough course. It follows Tara Webster, a sheepfarmgirl who's ambition is to be the next best ballerina. Jewish long line of doctors' heir Samuel 'Sammy' and minor juvenile offender Christian are the outsiders but gradually fit in, making new kinds of friends. Star ballerina's daughter Kat also introduces them in the circle of last-year brother Ethan, who already aspires a career as choreographer. Also Abigail, a smart young girl who'll walk over dead bodies to reach the stars tries to sabotage everything and everyone.


Show information in first post provided by The Movie Database


Thanks for skating, Lyosha!
Record Breaker
Feb 2, 2019
I was unsure whether to post this in "Family and Kids" or "Drama", but since this show deals with some very mature topics I decided to better put it in this section. Actually, I still enjoyed the show in my late twenties and regularly go back to it for re-watches. The episodes are just 20 minutes each, so perfect to watch them when you need a short break from "real life". With a bit of searching you can find all three complete seasons on youtube. There is also a movie which revisits the main protagonists a couple of years after they finished their ballet training and wraps up some loose threads. The movie is available on Netflix (at least in Austria).