Northern Ireland At The 2014 Winter Olympics And Paralympics | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Northern Ireland At The 2014 Winter Olympics And Paralympics


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Just to update you all on what has been happening.

There has been thick fog all morning. And although the Biathlon went ahead, there has been no Alpine Skiing as yet.

The Super-G segment of the Super Combined has been cancelled for today, and the aim is to hold it tomorrow.

The Slalom segment, meanwhile, will still be run today, but at the earlier time of 10:00 GMT, i.e. IN 20 MINUTES TIME.

The livestream links on the Channel 4 website currently have thumbnails for Ice Hockey and Biathlon, so I don't know yet if the Alpine Skiing will be on Channel 4 or one of the streams.

I'll let you know if and when any Alpine Skiing comes on Channel 4.

EDIT: It is being shown on Channel 4:

Digital terrestrial (UK only): Ch. 4 on Freeview
Digital cable (UK only): Ch. 104 on Virgin Media
Digital satellite (Europe): Ch. 104 on SkyDigital
Astra 28.2E, Transponder 41 (10.714H. MBaud 22,000. FEC 5/6).
NOTE: There are 6 regional variations of Channel 4 on this frequency. But, it doesn't matter which one you watch - the only difference is the adverts!​



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Well, unfortunately Kelly fell in the Slalom segment and did not complete the course. So, she will not be able to take part in the Super G segment, which will be held on FRIDAY.

Friday's planned Slalom Race will now be held TOMORROW.

I suppose it is easier for the organisers holding all the Slalom races on consecutive days, and then all the Super G races on consecutive days. But, it is going to be mighty hard to keep track of, expecially if there are more weather delays!

It is also very strange having 3 days between the 2 parts of the same race!

Incidentally, the Super Combined is currently being led by the Russian skiier, Aleksandra FRANTCEVA, after the Slalom. There is a question mark over the rest of the places, though.

Saturday's Downhill champion, Henrieta FARKASOVA, set the second fastest time. However, after the penultimate gate, her guide (Natalia SUBRTOVA) got a bit too far ahead of her and as a result Henrietta missed the final gate, which was only about a ski's length from the finish line!

However, Farkasova was not disqualified immediately, as we expected her to be. And, 2 hours later, she still has not been disqualified!

However, there is an asterix beside her position on the results, so they are still provisional. So, I assume the officials are just waiting until the end of the day when everything else is finished to have a proper check to confirm that she missed the gate.

Anyway, behind Farkasova was Australia's Melissa PERRINE, and then Team GB's remaining skiier, Jade ETHERINGTON. The final finisher was the American, Danelle UMSTEAD.



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I made a bad mistake yesterday. I didn't look up the time that the Slalom race was due to start today.

All I did was check whether Channel 4 were going to start their coverage earlier than planned. And when I saw they were still starting at 06:00 GMT, I thought "Ah, that's OK then."

I just got up and went to the Sochi 2014 website to get the live timing page up, and found that the start time for the Women's Slalom was actually 05:00 GMT. So, 35 minutes ago.


But then I noticed there were no times beside the names. ANnd I went to the top of the page, and saw that dreaded word:


Except, of course, it was not dreaded in my case, because I would have missed Kelly if it had gone off on time! ;)

As Channel 4 are not on air yet, I don't know what's wrong. But, I would suspect that it's fog again.

Similarly, I don't know what time it is likely to get underway. But I'm sure the presenters will tell us once Channel 4's coverage starts in 25 minutes time.

Anyway, there is a bumper field of 10 in today's Visually Impaired Slalom race, with the addition of

America's Staci MANNELLA (Bib 2)
Korea's YANG Jae Rim (Bib 4)
Australia's Jessica GALLAGHER (Bib 7)
England's Millie KNIGHT (Bib 10)

Incidentally, Millie Knight has only recently turned 15 years old... she's 9 days YOUNGER than Elena Radionova!!! :eek:

Kelly will start with Bib 6. So, the Irish Gallagher is going just before the Aussie Gallagher. :laugh: Jade Etherington will be the first away with Bib 1.

There is a stream up for the Slalom, but again it ain't working for me

Official Channel 4 Livestream

Hope this helps



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Channel 4 IS showing the Slalom on the TV.

Digital terrestrial (UK only): Ch. 4 on Freeview
Digital cable (UK only): Ch. 104 on Virgin Media
Digital satellite (Europe): Ch. 104 on SkyDigital
Astra 28.2E, Transponder 41 (10.714H. MBaud 22,000. FEC 5/6).
NOTE: There are 6 regional variations of Channel 4 on this frequency. But, it doesn't matter which one you watch - the only difference is the adverts!​

Channel 4 Livestreaming Channel

They're doing a feature on Millie Knight at the moment. Boys she is young looking! (But not quite as young looking as Radionova!)

And her guide, Rachael Ferrier, is really fit! :love:



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Well, today's Slalom went about as well as yesterday's for Kelly - another DNF.

The worst of it is that she was well on the way to setting the fastest time. But with about 6 gates to go, she hit a rut, and her left ski came off.

Mind you, Kelly wasn't the only one that lost a ski. Australia's Melissa PERRINE lost her right ski between the first and second gate!

I was VERY impressed with the Korean girl. She was really attacking the gates like the able-bodied skiiers do. Unfortunately, she had a stumble and fell near the end of the course.

But based on what I saw, YANG Jae Rim is going to be one to watch come her home games in 2018.

I was also impressed with Millie Knight. She could have done an awful lot better than 6th if her guide hadn't been going so slowly. Millie was practically on top of her for most of the course, and it was obvious that Rachael was holding her up. And you could see that Millie was getting very impatient.

But, they're both young (Millie is 15, while Rachael is 18), and they're only learning their trade.

The important thing is that you can already see that the talent is there. From what I saw today, I fully expect them to be fighting with Yang for the Gold by the time Pyeongchang comes along.

Anyway, at the half-way stage Jade ETHERINGTON is leading from Aleksandra FRANTCEVA and Henrieta FARKASOVA (who, incidentally, was indeed disqualified from yesterday's Slalom).

The second run starts at 08:30 GMT, and will be shown on More4

Digital terrestrial (UK only): Ch. 14 on Freeview
Digital cable (UK only): Ch. 147 on Virgin Media
Digital satellite (Europe): Ch. 138 on SkyDigital
Astra 28.2E, Transponder 42 (10.729V. MBaud 22,000. FEC 5/6).​

As Kelly is now out, I will post my report on the second run in the Winter Paralympics thread.



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
It's all gone so quickly, but we have now got to the final day of the Paralympics. And it is also Kelly Gallagher's final day of competition, when she goes out in the Giant Slalom.

The GS will start at 05:30 GMT, so in FIVE minutes.

Kelly will start with Bib 5, straight after her Australian namesake Jesica Gallagher.

Incidentally, Jade Etherington will be the second starter, and Millie Knight will again be the final starter. Hopefully Millie and Rachael will have a good run like their second in the slalom, as opposed to a run like their first...

Channel 4's coverage starts in a few minutes, so I assume they will be showing all of the GS.

Digital terrestrial (UK only): Ch. 4 on Freeview
Digital cable (UK only): Ch. 104 on Virgin Media
Digital satellite (Europe): Ch. 104 on SkyDigital
Astra 28.2E, Transponder 41 (10.714H. MBaud 22,000. FEC 5/6).
NOTE: There are 6 regional variations of Channel 4 on this frequency. But, it doesn't matter which one you watch - the only difference is the adverts!

Here is the livestream of the TV coverage:

Official Channel 4 Livestreaming Channel

And here is the stream that will be showing the Alpine Skiing:

Official Channel 4 Livestreaming Channel

Hope this helps



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!! Another DNF for Kelly due to a ski coming off half-way down the course.

Like, you hardly ever see that happen in the World Cup. But it has happened a few times this week, and twice for Kelly in particular.

Channel 4 interviewed Kelly and Charlotte afterwards, and during the interview they went through all the emotions.

And exactly the same thing happened a few minutes later to Australia's Melissa Perrine AT THE SAME SPOT. And such was the speed she was carrying, that Melissa very nearly took out her guide.

Henrieta FARKASOVA started us off, and set what turned out to be the fastest time of the first run.

And Kelly's ski problem wasn't the only disappointment for Team GB. I'm afraid that Jade Etherington pulled out of the GS due to illness, so she will stay on 4 medals.

The second starter was therefore Bib 3. That was America's Lindsay BALL, who I was amazed to find out is a B1. So, she's COMPLETELY BLIND!!!! Not only that, but she tore her ACL at the end of December, and put off surgery until after the Paralympics.

Understandably, she was taking it very canny and easy, but she was getting the line spot on! I was so in awe of her. Unfortunately she fell at speed, so we won't be seeing her again in the second run.

But can I just add - her guide, Diane BARRAS, did such a great job. The Channel 4 commentators went silent for a while so that we could listen in, and her commands were so clear and effective. And, as soon as Lindsay fell, Diane was over asking if she was alright.

I really like this pairing! And I hope we will see them for many more years to come.

The remaining Aussie, Jessica Gallagher didn't do too badly. She set the 3rd fastest time, but was 8.07s behind Farkasova.

After Kelly, came Russia's Aleksandra FRANTCEVA. As expected, she was the closest to Farkasova, but was still 4.96s behind.

Korea's YANG Jae Rim, who I was so impressed with in the Slalom, very nearly came a cropper at the same spot as Kelly Gallagher and Perrine. But she saved it and completed the course, setting the 4th best time. And she was only 0.13s behind Jessica Gallagher.

Millie Knight was Team GB's only finisher in 5th place. It was definitely better than her first run in the Slalom, but not as good as the second Slalom run. Millie and Rachael stayed the same distance apart the whole course, but you still got the impression that Rachael was holding her up a bit and they could have gone a bit faster.

Nevertheless, she still has the chance of a medal. There is only 2.97s between Jessica Gallagher in third and Millie Knight in 5th.

So, things could get very interesting in the second run!

As Kelly is now out, I will do the same as I did the other day, and post my report on the second run in the dedicated Paralympic thread.



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
It is now 2 days since the Closing Ceremony for the Paralympics, and hence the end of the Sochi journey for the Northern Irish girls. So, I felt it would be appropriate to say something:

Thank you to Florence Bell, Aimee Fuller, Jenna McCorkell and Kelly Gallagher for representing "Our Wee Country" so well in Sochi.

And, of course, congratulations to Kelly on winning our first Winter Paralympic Medal. Oh, and for making it a GOLD one! ;)

You have all done us proud



During the Olympics, I promised to post a Bibliography containing links to scans of newspaper reports that I found about the Northern Irish girls that went to Sochi. And I posted it in one of the earlier messages in this thread.

As the Olympics and Paralympics are now over, and there are probably not going to be any more newspaper reports, I have updated my Bibliography, and have now moved it all into this message.

Sunday World 5th January 2014 Top Page 10 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday World 5th January 2014 Bottom Page 10 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday World 5th January 2014 Top Page 11 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday World 5th January 2014 Bottom Page 11 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 5th January 2014 Top Page 10 (Start of “Ones To Watch” 2-page spread)

Sunday Life 5th January 2014 Bottom Page 10 (Start of “Ones To Watch” 2-page spread)

Sunday Life 5th January 2014 Top Page 11 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 5th January 2014 Bottom Page 11 (Aimee Fuller)

Belfast Newsletter 10th January 2014 Top Page 23 (Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Newsletter 10th January 2014 Bottom Page 23 (Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Newsletter 16th January 2014 Bottom Page 61 (Snooker; Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 24th January 2014 Top Page 39 (Motorbike racing; Tennis)

Belfast Newsletter 24th January 2014 Bottom Page 39 (Motorbike racing; Tennis; Kelly Gallagher)

Sunday Life 2nd February 2014 Top Page 64 (Olympic Event Guide; Jenna McCorkell; Team GB Guide)

Sunday Life 2nd February 2014 Bottom Page 64 (Olympic Event Guide; Jenna McCorkell; Team GB Guide)

Sunday Life 2nd February 2014 Top Page 65 (Aimee Fuller; Super Bowl)

Sunday Life 2nd February 2014 Bottom Page 65 (Aimee Fuller; Super Bowl)

Belfast Telegraph 5th February 2014 Top Page 50 (Local Ice Hockey; Florence Bell)

Belfast Telegraph 5th February 2014 Bottom Page 50 (Local Ice Hockey; Florence Bell; Aimee Fuller)

Belfast Telegraph 5th February 2014 Top Page 51 (Florence Bell; Jenna McCorkell; Local Boxing)

Belfast Telegraph 5th February 2014 Bottom Page 51 (Florence Bell, Jenna McCorkell; Aimee Fuller; Local Boxing)

Belfast Newsletter 7th February 2014 Top Page 32 (Golf; Aimee Fuller)

Belfast Newsletter 7th February 2014 Bottom Page 32 (Golf; Aimee Fuller; Cricket)

Daily Express 8th February 2014 Top Page 3 (Various Female Olympians: Eve Muirhead – Curling, Jenny Jones and Aimee Fuller – Snowboarding, Chemmy Alcott – Alpine Skiing, Shelley Rudman – Skeleton; Simon Cowell)

Daily Express 8th February 2014 Bottom Page 3 (Various Female Olympians: Eve Muirhead – Curling, Jenny Jones and Aimee Fuller – Snowboarding, Chemmy Alcott – Alpine Skiing, Shelley Rudman – Skeleton; Simon Cowell)

Belfast Telegraph 8th February 2014 Top Page 50 (Olympic Ice Hockey; Photo of all of Ulster’s Team GB Olympic Gold Medalists – Stephen Martin, Robin Dixon, Mary Peters, Jimmy Kirkwood)

Belfast Telegraph 8th February 2014 Bottom Page 50 (Olympic Ice Hockey; Robin Dixon – 1964 Olympic 2-man Bobsleigh Champion)

Belfast Telegraph 8th February 2014 Top Page 51 (Photo of all of Ulster’s Team GB Olympic Gold Medalists – Stephen Martin, Robin Dixon, Mary Peters, Jimmy Kirkwood; Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Telegraph 8th February 2014 Bottom Page 51 (Robin Dixon; Jenna McCorkell)

Sunday Life 9th February 2014 Top Page 3 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 9th February 2014 Bottom Page 3 (Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 9th February 2014 Top Page 59 (Jenna McCorkell; Local Ice Hockey)

Sunday Life 9th February 2014 Bottom Page 59 (Jenna McCorkell, Aimee Fuller; Local Ice Hockey)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Top Page 1 (Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Bottom Page 1 (Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Top Page 17 (Aimee Fuller)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Top Page 49 (Snowboard and Ski Slopestyle; Aimee Fuller; Alpine Skiing)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Bottom Page 49 (Aimee Fuller; Alpine Skiing, Figure Skating Team Event)

Belfast Newsletter 10th February 2014 Top Page 72 (Football; Rugby)

Newsletter 10th February 2014 Bottom Page 72 (Football; Aimee Fuller; Rugby)

Sunday Life 16th February 2014 Top Page 3 (Simon Cowell; Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 16th February 2014 Bottom Page 3 (Simon Cowell; Aimee Fuller)

Sunday Life 16th February 2014 Top Page 20 (Ivan Little’s Column: Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?; Aimee Fuller; Jim Davidson)

Sunday Life 16th February 2014 Bottom Page 20 (Ivan Little’s Column: NI Hospitals; Unwanted Phone Calls; Alan Simpson)

Belfast Newsletter 17th February 2014 Top Page 17 (Local Football; Horse Racing; Aimee Fuller; Local Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 17th February 2014 Bottom Page 17 (Local Football; Local Rugby; Local Ice Hockey)

Belfast Newsletter 17th February 2014 Top Page 18 (Rowan Cheshire; Aimee Fuller; Lizzy Yarnold)

Belfast Newsletter 17th February 2014 Bottom Page 18 (Aimee Fuller; Lizzy Yarnold)

Belfast Newsletter 17th February 2014 Top Page 64 (Local Ice Hockey; Aimee Fuller)

Belfast Newsletter 20th February 2014 Top Page 59 (Golf; Motorbike racing; Golf)

Belfast Newsletter 20th February 2014 Bottom Page 59 (Motorbike racing; Golf; Jenna McCorkell)

Belfast Telegraph 22nd February 2014 Top Page 47 (Cricket; Florence Bell; Tennis)

Belfast Telegraph 22nd February 2014 Bottom Page 47 (Cricket; Tennis; Boxing; Local Motorbike Racing)

Sunday Life 2nd March 2014 Top Page 60 (Kelly Gallagher; Rugby)

Belfast Telegraph 8th March 2014 Top Page 8 (Aimee Fuller; Local News)

Belfast Telegraph 8th March 2014 Bottom Page 8 (Aimee Fuller; Local News)

Belfast Newsletter 11th March 2014 Top Page 1 (Kelly Gallagher; The Queen)

Belfast Newsletter 11th March 2014 Top Page 5 (Kelly Gallagher; Local News)

Belfast Newsletter 11th March 2014 Bottom Page 5 (Local News; Advert)

Belfast Newsletter 11th March 2014 Top Page 56 (Horse Racing; Rugby; Local Football; Kelly Gallagher; European Football)

Belfast Newsletter 11th March 2014 Bottom Page 56 (Kelly Gallagher; European Football)

Belfast Newsletter 12th March 2014 Top Page 35 (Kelly Gallagher; Local Motorbike Racing; Golf)

Belfast Newsletter 12th March 2014 Bottom Page 35 (Kelly Gallagher; Local Motorbike Racing; Golf; Boxing; Local Ice Hockey)

Belfast Newsletter 12th March 2014 Top Page 44 (Horse Racing; Rugby; Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 13th March 2014 Top Page 61 (Local Hockey; Snooker)

Belfast Newsletter 13th March 2014 Bottom Page 61 (Local Hockey; Snooker; Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Top Page 29 (Aimee Fuller; Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Bottom Page 29 (Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Top Page 30 (Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Bottom Page 30 (Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Top Page 31 (Aimee Fuller; Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 18th March 2014 Bottom Page 31 (Local Schools’ Rugby)

Belfast Newsletter 19th March 2014 Top Page 11 (Kelly Gallagher; Local News)

Belfast Newsletter 19th March 2014 Bottom Page 11 (Kelly Gallagher; Reader Offers)

Belfast Newsletter 19th March 2014 Top Page 39 (Local Boxing; Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 19th March 2014 Bottom Page 39 (Local Boxing; Kelly Gallagher; Cricket)

Belfast Newsletter 22nd March 2014 Top Page 1 (Kelly Gallagher; Local News; Jimmy Ellis)

Belfast Newsletter 22nd March 2014 Bottom Page 1 (Jimmy Ellis; Local News)

Belfast Newsletter 22nd March 2014 Top Page 3 (Kelly Gallagher; Charity Football)

Belfast Newsletter 22nd March 2014 Bottom Page 3 (Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Telegraph 22nd March 2014 Top Page 17 (Kelly Gallagher; National News)

Belfast Telegraph 22nd March 2014 Top Page 17 (Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 27th March 2014 Top Page 13 (Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 11th April 2014 Top Page 6 (Kelly Gallagher)

Belfast Newsletter 11th April 2014 Top Page 7 (End of story on Page 6)


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Before the 2013/14 season forum is archived, I thought I should post a final update to this thread.

Firstly, at the start of April, there was a State Visit to the UK by Michael D. Higgins, the President of the Republic of Ireland. This was the first time there had been a state visit by a head of state of Ireland.

To mark this, there were a number of events to emphasise the close ties between the 2 countries. There was a state dinner for notable Irish people (North and South) at Windsor Castle, and a show at the Royal Albert Hall featuring Irish performers (North and South).

Kelly Gallagher and Charlotte Evans were invited to both! But, not only that, they got to meet the Queen and President Higgins!

Here is a photo of Kelly outside Windsor Castle before the state dinner, from her Facebook page:


And here is a photo taken at the Royal Albert Hall, also from her Facebook page:

Unsurprisingly, the local newspapers were full of coverage of the State Visit. And they were very quick to pick up the story of Kelly meeting the Queen.

So, I’ve updated the Bibliography in my last post accordingly. I should add that there was a 2-page spread in the Belfast Telegraph on 12th April 2014, but, unfortunately, our copy disappeared before I got my hands on it. :(

On Saturday (31st May), there was a special event held for Kelly in her hometown of Bangor. Haven’t come across any stories about it or photos yet, but here is the promotional poster:

Speaking of people from Bangor, I haven’t heard much about Aimee Fuller in terms of snowboarding since the Olympics. But, there has been developments in one of her other passions.

Motorbike racing is practically the national sport here in Northern Ireland. And, even though she was growing up in England, Aimee was no different. When she was a youngster, she was quite a successful motocross racer. But then her family moved to America, and that was when she took up snowboarding.

In the week before she went out to Sochi, Aimee passed the Compulsory Basic Training part of her bike test. Since coming home, she has passed the rest of her bike test. She was being taught by former road racer Phillip McCallen, and a few weeks ago she was his guest at the North West 200 road race.

As for Jenna McCorkell, she and Kevin van der Perren celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary (I really can’t believe it has been that long since they got married!) a couple of weeks ago.

But, there was something she was joking about on Facebook that I found interesting. You know how I’ve mentioned a few times over the past year or so that Kevin was now coaching in Belgium, and that Jenna has been helping him out. Well, it looks like Jenna is following in the footsteps of her good friend and former coach, Lorna Brown (1974 Jaca Professional World Champion), in turning her hand to choreography:

Wow I have to say choreographing 17 new programmes is certainly challenging but I'm loving it!! Thank you to everyone for giving me this opportunity! Having a great time! I have to say a hot bath and an ice cream is on the plan tonight! Knackered!! :)


I assume it is just Kevin's students that Jenna is choreographing for at the moment. But, it will be interesting to see if she ends up choreographing any top level skaters in the future.

Unfortunately, the next person I am going to talk about never reached the Olympics. But since the threads about her have been archived (1st thread, 2nd thread, 3rd thread), I thought that this would be an appropriate place to talk about another of our former figure skating stars.

2nd May was the first anniversary of losing our 1996 British Junior Ladies Champion, Katie Scarbrough (née Allan), to bowel cancer.

During the final stages of her illness, the Belfast Telegraph ran quite a few stories about her, and to mark the anniversary, they did an interview with her husband, Stuart, about the past year.

Unfortunately, we didn’t buy the Tele that day. However, Stuart posted a photo of the article to Facebook. So, here’s the link:

Belfast Telegraph 2nd May 2014

On the anniversary itself, Stuart posted some photos of how the family marked the day, including a couple of Katie’s grave. I am not normally a fan of grey headstones, but Katie’s is just so beautiful:

I just love the carving at the bottom. It is a bit hard to make out against the grey background in the main photo, so Stuart also posted a close-up of it ( ). That must have taken some work to carve! Like, you can even see the holes for the laces on her skate!

So that we are not ending on a sad note, I would like to finish by letting you in a little project I have been working on.

After Kelly Gallagher & Charlotte Evans won the VI Super-G Gold in Sochi, I started working on making a poster of all of Northern Ireland’s Olympic and Paralympic Gold Medallists.

I am hopeless at editing pictures, so it took a LOT longer than I imagined to get it to this point. But, here it is:


Unfortunately, I was not able to find photos of four of our Gold Medallists (Jimmy Gibson, Eddie Lucas, Alice Bailey and Mark Gibson). So, if anybody has photos of them, or knows where I can find some, could you please let me know?

Before the 2012 Olympics, Culture NI compiled a list of all Northern Ireland’s Olympic and Paralympic Medallists. They also did profiles of all of our athletes competing in London 2012. Although it has not been updated since then, I found it invaluable for this project.

So a massive thank you goes out to the Culture NI researchers for doing all the hard work.

If you want to see the NI Champions website, it can be viewed at:

When I started this project, I did not realise that we had quite as many medallists as we do, be it gold or otherwise. It just goes to show that people from a small country like Northern Ireland can compete on the big stage, and achieve great results.

Congratulations to all of Norn Iron’s Medallists. You have done “Our Wee Country” proud!

Good luck to all our future Olympians and Paralympians



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Wasn't expecting to be posting in this thread again, but I have BIG news:

Kelly Gallagher has been awarded an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Here's the story on the BBC website:

And on the Ulster Television website:

Absolutely delighted with the news! Kelly and Charlotte thoroughly deserve it!

My question now is, when is Jenna McCorkell going to get one...?

(Hey, if winning 11 British Championships in 12 years doesn't qualify you for one, I don't know what will!)
