Gabriella Papadakis & Guillaume Cizeron | Page 213 | Golden Skate

Gabriella Papadakis & Guillaume Cizeron


Final Flight
May 21, 2014
So it is official, FB/S have been released by the Danish Fed to skate for Canada. Good news for them, more opportunities, support and a chance for the next Olympics.


Final Flight
May 21, 2014
Courtesy of @maya1985 who provided scans :40beers:, a summary of the new interview from Patinage Magazine with the gorgeous cover from Liam Ross . This interview happened in Montreal just before the European Championships where the journalist talked to two key people in their coaching team: Catherine Pinard and Romain Hagenauer.

First a nice little Q&A:

Where do you take your strength ? GP: within us, within the other, in our coachs and families ...

Your three main qualities ? GC: the ability to question ourselves, determination and involvement

What was the most important professional encounter ? GC: the one between Gabriella and I.

Have you been scared in your professional life ? GP: yes of course, moments of doubts mainly, of anxiety.

What is the greatest risk ? GC: lack of confidence

Were you thinking of being where you are now ? Did you have any role model ? GP: nobody knows where they are, we keep moving that's all...

Catherine Pinard who works with them on interpretation:

She has quite the artistic background: played music then harpsichord, studied theater, classical singing, was a pianist, composer and a musical director in a Theater. Then she coached at Cirque du Soleil for five years where she understood there is a link between the emotional state and the muscular one. She coached Duhamel and Radford. When Patrice Lauzon saw how they were skating differently, he called them up to ask if they had a new coach. That's when she started working with him. She met Gabriella and Guillaume in 2014.

Her role amidst the other coaches: she works on all there is underneath the programs: the story, the energy or the musical phrases. For Beethoven, she looked at his intimate journal and his will. With Gaby and Guillaume, they observed how they felt about it. For instance, if they worked on desire and it made one feel dizzy while the other one felt paralysed, then she was not gonna work on desire but on how dizziness provokes paralysis. When they meet, they used to listen to the sonata, reread the will, talk about it and see if the direction they were pursuing was honoring the music and the program.

The journalist finds Gaby and Guillaume are more present for one another this year, they look more mature, her answer: first time she met skaters, she realized they were more executing orders taken at the boards about edges and such than anything else. She, not understanding a thing about edges, was just asking "but who are you ? what do you feel ?" They were unable to answer. As a musician, she always tries to connect to the source of the music, what emotions it stirs inside while always staying very humble because one can never reach perfection. Gaby and Guillaume learnt this and they don't look to be in total control anymore but to get the closest they can to what's sacred in the music and within themselves. First time she met them she had them sitting and facing each other for 5 minutes. They had never truly look at each other. She then let them three hours looking at each other (they nearly tear her head off though :rofl:) Next day, she asks Gabriella to let go and Guillaume to welcome her. They worked a bit on erotism. This year they wanted to be more identified as artists which they chose to do through Beethoven. As she doesn't know anything about skating, she always bring a fresh perspective.

The journalist feels this year they're in full awareness: they really own what they're doing because they've been working for hundreds of hours on interpretation, presence, charisma and so on this year. They refined each minute details of the movements trying to convey something.

I won't translate Romain's because it's short and nothing new really comes through is interview.

I will buy it next week I think (If find it a the "bureau de presse"), let's keep in touch !

Thanks a lot, Maya has been very proactive on this one :laugh:


Final Flight
Feb 18, 2017
At the end of his TSL interview, famous figure skating choreographer Tom Dickson was asked about what his favorite programs were in the recent Olympics, he answered 'the German pairs team, the French ice dancers, and Katelyn Osmond just because he didn't expect it.' His response is at 53:00 of the video interview:

Yeah I thought his understanding of skating is very sophisticated. Glad to know all the cultured, knowledgeable people seem to love P/C.


Final Flight
Feb 18, 2017
I will forever be grateful for what Marie-France and Patrice did for Gaby and Guillaume. I think they were really pressured at this table to play along with the extreme chauvinism, and nothing of what they said really shocked me. How can we judge on just a few minutes?
Gaby and Guigui know them on a daily basis, so it is for them to deal with this.

However, I really wish that Marie-France and Patrice would publicly take some blame for what happened, even if I'm totally unaware of the whole situation and how things go in figure skating or what the procedures are and who is taking care of dresses. I fully agree with Alain that you would expect them to at least feel somewhat responsible for what happened if it happened several times before. It's mind-boggling that they did not sow an elastic strap in the neck strap or something to simply avoid anything falling down if ever that clip would open. It does feel so idiotically amateurish at that level.
Yes, Marie-France's fall was a lot a lot a lot more horrible. But the comparison feels very awkward and forced, as the clip opening was soooooo avoidable. And Marie-France had never fallen on that lift, in stark contrast to the confession that that clip had opened in practice also.

The fact that the whole table avoided the 'what if' question at all costs shows for me that they all know the answer.
I really wish that some big skating names would simply say it. I am very happy that in the NYT article the opening line stated the obvious.
Canada is turning this question into an elephant in the room.
And Marie-France and Patch seem not bothered.
That's a pity.

EDIT: At the very start, Marie-France says that this is a moment they worked towards for 20 months. That struck me, as it really points to working with V/M only...

I do wonder if they'll make changes in coaching arrangements after this season. Obviously a high-stakes competition like the Olympics carries consequences for the relationship between students and coaches, especially considering the difficult balancing acts involved at that rink. If P/C and Romain feel even the tiniest awkwardness regarding training there, I think they'll make a move. They can afford to do that. (Of course, the non-skating training team seems very important to them too. Not sure if that is easily replicable.)


Final Flight
Feb 18, 2017
Romain was already coaching them as children, when they were still training in Clermont Ferrand with Gabi’s mother, before living to join him in Lyon. They choose to follow him to Montréal. So they have a much longer history with him than anybody else. It’s rather normal he is more sensitive to P and C’s disappointment than to V and M’s one. It doesn’t turn him into a disloyal coach or a non objective one. His relationship with the canadians is obviously more recent and professional.But I’m sure he enjoyed training such champions, as well as P C.
I perfectly remember Romain saying last year that he had pointed out ( told them) that they had made many mistakes all the year long and were responsibles for letting points go. The result of the WC 2017 was made of what each couple had achieved during the season. That’s what I remember Romain saying. Which is far from being pro P/C.

In the post FD interview V/M didn't mention Romain as one of their coaches.


Final Flight
Feb 18, 2017
Guillaume has been very sweet to Gabriella during the Olympics. I'm not saying that he usually isn't (of course he is), but he was so gentle with her there (holding her hand during the press conference after the SD, comforting her and drying her tears backstage)...let's say more openly affectionate. And this beautiful moment after the FD, when he kissed her hands...They were both so moved. It was beautiful to witness.
They often say they're not close to each other outside of the rink. But you can tell they deeply love and respect each other. Soulmates on the ice, that's for sure. And again, sure there's no "sexual tension" between them (thank god we won't dwell upon this and fancy all type of things like V/M fans do), but there is an undeniable sensuality. I actually love how they touch each other's body, they brush each other's limbs so soflty. I find it funny that the spanish commentators are always so fascinated by their "sensualidad" lol "¡Qué sensualidad entre ellos! Comó se miran a los ojos..." = "So much sensuality between them. How they look at each other's eyes..." They point it out almost each time 😂

Anecdotally, a friend who's a former professional dancer asked me after seeing P/C on the ice for a minute, "Are they together?"