ISU figure skating streams might be switched to pay-per-view platform | Golden Skate

ISU figure skating streams might be switched to pay-per-view platform


Thanks for skating, Lyosha!
Record Breaker
Feb 2, 2019
This might be really bad news...
By simply signing up, watching adverts, sharing videos, inviting friends or topping up your wallet directly, the Ice Skating Channel users will be able to turn their interactions and viewership into Cast Credits. These can then be used to access live streams of various ISU events, as well as other content from a diverse range of sports on the Recast platform.

The ISU has provided a unique service to the skating community over a number of years by producing and broadcasting countless hours of live, subscription free, skating content on its Skating ISU and ISU Junior Grand Prix YouTube channels.  Funds generated through the Recast pay-per-view system will be reinvested, enabling the ISU to further develop and expand its broadcast coverage, showcasing more Ice Skating content to fans around the world.


On the Ice
Dec 22, 2022
I read the title and thought they'd do something silly like charge people $20 to watch a tournament.

But this idea doesn't seem too bad, it's still free, you just have to help them promote it a little by sharing links.

I put the ISU events on as something I watch while doing other things. It's been great, I've become familiar with some skaters I would otherwise not know of. If it wasn't free and on anything other than Youtube I just wouldn't watch. I would make no effort to watch. So that's one less viewer and fan they have by making it slightly difficult to watch. I can watch the best women on Earth from September to March for free on Youtube every event, so there's no real reason to pay for ISU events.

The ISU seems to be in some kind of death spiral at the moment and need money, help with promotion, probably out of ideas and trying something different hoping it works. Hopefully they can turn it around, but they seem actively working against the sport and athletes at every turn.

Worlds will get huge crowds because it's Japan, but outside of that it's looking dire for them.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Well... if this happens, I am definitely not paying for it. Right now, I watch everything I can on CBC streaming... which is often the same stream the ISU broadcasts on youtube or elsewhere. Canadians pay a lot of taxes for CBC to provide such content. I ain't paying twice :)
PS I will let GSers know if things remain available on CBC without a paywall... you will just need a VPN. ( I am not too hopeful though)


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2022
I just looked it seems that most of the junior events that they are planning to put up are speed skating not figure skating at this point. It would stink if the JGP was put behind pay wall because it is one of the last figure skating events that NBC does not control. I wonder if this taking place because so many people in the United States got sick of dealing with NBC terrible coverage that people just got VPN's to watch the Grand Prix Events. If I have to pay anybody for coverage though I would rather pay the ISU than line NBC pockets. The one thing with registering is that they are going to be able see what country someone is from and I am afraid that the ISU will not allow people from the United States to register for the coverage. I knew that NBC and ISU was going to react about the VPN issue that was going on. This may be the way to do it. I am going to take a wait and see approach because it could very good because we could finally not deal with NBC too much or really bad if they bar people from United States from registering. The first big clue should be when they announce information about how to watch the first ISU junior grand prix event if they mention Peacock then the option of going on the ISU website will be gone because they will not allow American fans to register. I really am starting to hate NBC. Their horrible coverage is driving me nuts. If I want to watch more that the Sunday recap show. I basically have to get in wee hours of the morning to see it, thank goodness I have a very flexible job that basically starts in the afternoon. Even with that I basically missed NHK because it was in the middle of the night. No replays of anything till Nationals, and that was a great improvement over what was going on before, I hoping that they will have some replays because it is going to be Japan and do not want to stay up all night and function on a few hours of sleep. I may do it for the men but nothing else because I can only take a couple days off in a week to keep my job. I hope that I am wrong but I said that NBC was going to try to get rid of VPN issue and they may have found a way now.


Feb 18, 2014
I just looked it seems that most of the junior events that they are planning to put up are speed skating not figure skating at this point. It would stink if the JGP was put behind pay wall because it is one of the last figure skating events that NBC does not control. I wonder if this taking place because so many people in the United States got sick of dealing with NBC terrible coverage that people just got VPN's to watch the Grand Prix Events. If I have to pay anybody for coverage though I would rather pay the ISU than line NBC pockets. The one thing with registering is that they are going to be able see what country someone is from and I am afraid that the ISU will not allow people from the United States to register for the coverage. I knew that NBC and ISU was going to react about the VPN issue that was going on. This may be the way to do it. I am going to take a wait and see approach because it could very good because we could finally not deal with NBC too much or really bad if they bar people from United States from registering. The first big clue should be when they announce information about how to watch the first ISU junior grand prix event if they mention Peacock then the option of going on the ISU website will be gone because they will not allow American fans to register. I really am starting to hate NBC. Their horrible coverage is driving me nuts. If I want to watch more that the Sunday recap show. I basically have to get in wee hours of the morning to see it, thank goodness I have a very flexible job that basically starts in the afternoon. Even with that I basically missed NHK because it was in the middle of the night. No replays of anything till Nationals, and that was a great improvement over what was going on before, I hoping that they will have some replays because it is going to be Japan and do not want to stay up all night and function on a few hours of sleep. I may do it for the men but nothing else because I can only take a couple days off in a week to keep my job. I hope that I am wrong but I said that NBC was going to try to get rid of VPN issue and they may have found a way now.
If this move is designed to generate more revenue, why wouldn't the ISU allow US people to register? More viewers = more revenue, right? If the ISU bars us Yanks from registering, it seems to me that they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Re: NBC and Peacock, I'm as disgusted as you are!


Final Flight
Dec 20, 2022
Is it a bad idea? Isn't a lot of sports Pay per view or stream nowadays? It does list it as free. I am not sure what that means digital. Free to sign up only or free to watch. I don't understand the recast credits application. It sound and reads simple enough. Phone and subscribe/ join. The once join watch what u want. The only issue is what Recast ISu post for availability. Right now the bulk is speed skating very little figure skating. The only figure skating mentioned is the synchronized.


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2022
If this move is designed to generate more revenue, why wouldn't the ISU allow US people to register? More viewers = more revenue, right? If the ISU bars us Yanks from registering, it seems to me that they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Re: NBC and Peacock, I'm as disgusted as you are!
Well the NBC contract is most likely one of the biggest funding sources for the ISU, though I think they could make just as much doing it themselves, so if NBC wants the VPN issue solved by not allowing Americans to register for the coverage the ISU may feel have no choice to do so, even if they lose some money from it. It skinks but that's the things are right now. I really would like figure skating to get their own federation because it seems that if speed skating is given coverage who cares what happens to figure skating coverage even though probably 80-90 percent of the revenue comes from figure skating. Separating speed skating from figure skating is long over due. It may not solve all the problems but it would good start.


Record Breaker
Apr 23, 2018
The one thing with registering is that they are going to be able see what country someone is from and I am afraid that the ISU will not allow people from the United States to register for the coverage. I knew that NBC and ISU was going to react about the VPN issue that was going on.

Though the thing is, with VPN and private browsing, couldn't you register as being elsewhere and they wouldn't know? This is of course a two-edged blade as if most folk do it, it will look to TPTB that figure skating is even less popular in the US than it is.

Is it a bad idea? Isn't a lot of sports Pay per view or stream nowadays? It does list it as free. I am not sure what that means digital. Free to sign up only or free to watch.

I made the sacrifice and went over to read their Q&A, it seems to me (gussied up in corporate/media babblespeak) to be free to register, but you'll pay to watch and then have credits taken off the payment if you watch ads, sign up other people etc. I guess this is all another 'money talks and screw the fans' thing, which we've seen over and over throughout different sports/fandoms/entertainment (tv being a good example, from free to air, to cable, to paid streaming). But usually the sport/fandom/entertainment starts this process from a position of strength and popularity... I honestly can't see how they think this will make the sport grow.
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Record Breaker
Apr 23, 2018
ISU, give the Russian Fed a call and find out how they have managed to make accessible for free everything from random city competitions to their senior nationals.
Popularity and government funding. Not exactly a secret.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I can't imagine what good this would bring to FS of all sports. The harder they make it to stumble upon, the fewer new fans they'll be getting. If they go after fans' uploaded Youtube videos to make people watch their paid ones... The fanfests might as well get rid of the video links in OP for performances. And pay per view? How would that even work? I'm the type of fan who doesn't binge watch or cherrypick skaters, but watches all of, say, EC women's SP or JGP men's FS, on about 5 separate evenings when I have time. Do they expect one to pay more because of that style of watching? Bad, bad idea, I'd just give up and watch something else instead, especially for events where I don't have my biggest favorites. And I'm not even a casual fan that will likely lose interest even faster, and move on to something else.


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
Live streaming on "Recast" . Why do us old people get confused....? Hope this doesnt go into effect for awhile. I will have someone smart like Minz or Mfarone or Doris explain this to me...

1. Peacock due to ? will not broadcast replays
2. Using a VPN, we can see replays or live.
3. Now ISU is heading for "Recast" to plug a hole. Or gain revenue.

I would love to know the numbers on how many people are watching figure skating on Peacock, and the ISU channel and the ISU channel via VPN.

I have no issues with the ISU getting my money for content. I just wonder if this is the correct path. Everybody say, "Freeeeeezzzeeee"

Ideally, there would be one figure skating channel we write one check to and we see Korean nats, Japanese Nats, Worlds, etc.
I also think Internet should be considered a utility and I believe in the tooth fairy.....sigh......


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
Good god, I've read a summary of their credits system and it's literally like having a drunk friend explain board game rules to you. I'll have it all figured out by the first GP in October. If you want to charge for it, just charge for it, but don't make me have to take notes in order to figure out how I can pay for a sport literally nobody will watch anyway because it will lose all of its audience.

Is it still on Eurosport? I opened my Eurosport Player only to realize it no longer exists.


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
I can't imagine what good this would bring to FS of all sports. The harder they make it to stumble upon, the fewer new fans they'll be getting. If they go after fans' uploaded Youtube videos to make people watch their paid ones... The fanfests might as well get rid of the video links in OP for performances. And pay per view? How would that even work? I'm the type of fan who doesn't binge watch or cherrypick skaters, but watches all of, say, EC women's SP or JGP men's FS, on about 5 separate evenings when I have time. Do they expect one to pay more because of that style of watching? Bad, bad idea, I'd just give up and watch something else instead, especially for events where I don't have my biggest favorites. And I'm not even a casual fan that will likely lose interest even faster, and move on to something else.
What you said. I dont even really understand pay per view. People tell me you pay to watch a movie and you can watch it over a number of days. I dont even know what that means. Can you watch and rewatch? If I want to see worlds, will I pay one fee for live and on demand? Can I rewatch? Are we talking a dollar or 20 dollars? Will they exclude VPN people by making you supply and address they can check?


Record Breaker
Apr 23, 2018
What you said. I dont even really understand pay per view. People tell me you pay to watch a movie and you can watch it over a number of days. I dont even know what that means. Can you watch and rewatch? If I want to see worlds, will I pay one fee for live and on demand? Can I rewatch? Are we talking a dollar or 20 dollars? Will they exclude VPN people by making you supply and address they can check?

{I just deleted a whole mess of words because I went over to the recast site and I think it's completely different from what I thought. Roughly speaking it does appear you can rewatch but all the different sports do it differently so I have NO idea and will probably wait for the clips of my favourites to pop up somewhere}

Cost is anyone's guess at this stage. Given they are starting with juniors events which don't get high traction online (well, neither do many of the seniors but that's beside the point) I would assume they will start low and then see how and when they can bump it up. But this is the ISU and they are not very bright. Personally, I like to think that when they realise the whole idea is tanking - if it does, which is likely - they will have a rethink.
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