Flanders National Championships | Golden Skate

Flanders National Championships


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I have been looking around for an Entries / Results Page for the Flemish Championships, but have not had any luck yet. However, I did find some statements about the Championships on Facebook.

Kevin van der Perren:

Congratulations to all of our skaters at the championships this weekend.
Proud of you all even if it didnt all go perfect for everyone.
To Laura Balanean and Lisa van Genck thank you for letting us be a part of your skating careers. Thank you for all the crazy years and beautiful moments❤️❤️❤️❤️
And off course great work to our team Jenna Mccorkell Sophie Jouini and Manon Van Engelant
Hard work always pays off��������

Source: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.vanderperren.7/posts/10155979965212624

Jenna McCorkell:

Congratulations to all our skaters today at the Flemish Championships! You all did you best and some great results!
Lisa van Genck gold senior ladies!
Amber de Maesschalck gold junior ladies!
Giulia Castorini-wang silver advanced novice!
Marilyn Denaeijer bronze advanced novice!
Max Leleu gold advanced novice!

Big well done to the rest of the team too!

Thanks to Laura Balanean and Lisa for having us as part of your journey and so many lovely memories! Wishing you both the best in life after skating! ������

Source: https://www.facebook.com/jenna.mccorkell/posts/10156844814621885

This was the farewell competition for Laura Balanean and Lisa van Genck, who are both retiring.

Laura hasn't put up a separate statement (at least not one that I have access to), but she did put the following up as a reply to Kevin's statement.

Laura Balanean

Jij en Jenna Mccorkell dankuwel uit de grond van men hart voor al deze mooie jaren met prachtige herinneringen! Mijn twee toptrainers ❤️�� ik ga jullie nooit vergeten, bedankt voor alles!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Translation: You and Jenna Mccorkell thank you from the ground of your heart for all these beautiful years with wonderful memories! My two toptrainers ❤️�� I'm never going to forget you guys, thanks for everything!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Source: https://www.facebook.com/kevin.vand...10155979973607624&comment_tracking={"tn":"R"}

Lisa van Genck

Na 11 jaar wedstrijden te hebben geschaatst heb ik vandaag mijn allerlaatste achter de rug. Heel blij met mijn prestatie!
Ik wil vooral mijn ouders bedanken voor de steun en de tijd. Dan Alicia die van het begin achter mij stond en mij heel wat heeft geleerd op en naast het ijs! Ook Kevin heeft me geholpen om te bereiken wat ik nu kan, dankje Jenna voor de mooie laatste kuren en Manon voor de top off ice! Over de jaren heb ik veel hulp gehad van verschillende mensen waaronder Chloé, Caroline, Kaat en Sandy!
Ik wil iedereen bedanken om in mij te geloven en om mij steunen!
Hierbij neem ik afscheid van het competitief schaatsen maar je zult me wel nog op het ijs zien!♥️

Translation: After 11 years of skating, I had my very last one today. Very happy with my performance!
I would especially like to thank my parents for the support and the time. Then Alicia who was behind me from the beginning and taught me a lot on and next to the ice! Kevin Also helped me to achieve what I can do now, thanks Jenna for the beautiful last cures and Manon for the top off ice! Over the years, I've had a lot of help from several people including Chloé, Caroline, Kaat and Sandy!
I want to thank everyone for believing in me and supporting me!
I hereby say goodbye to the competitive ice skating but you will still see me on the ice! ♥️

Source: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.vangenck.5/posts/1802072299892451

Congratulations to everybody who participated, and all the best to Laura and Lisa for whatever the future holds.
