Question about procedures for 2018 Olympics | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Question about procedures for 2018 Olympics

[email protected]

Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
Nothing so drastic as a gag - just a 'death stare' - it worked for me at the Europeans in Bratislava. Excuse me, but there is no place for toddlers or babies at a figure skating event. Don't know why you think it's acceptable.

We brought our 5 year old son to the Europeans because he said he wanted to. He knows that I am an "FS freak" and my wife is 50% of what I am. Also he just started to learn to skate although so far he goes along a "2 meter guy" schedule so that hockey seems more realistic. So we brought him and, of course, 5 hour marathon was too much for him. We did our best to keep him quiet. But some people around still might have been not very happy. Sorry, guys. That's life. Next time think twice before buying a flight ticket. Because having a crying hysterically baby next to you is a much harder ordeal than an agile 5-year old boy who got bored after a while.

[email protected]

Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
I could not go to the first day of the Europeans so that I gave my tickets to a person who responded first here on GS. I understand the person did not go because he/she was in Canada but forwarded the tickets to a Russian friend. Here what he wrote to me after the event. I checked - google translation works just fine (although of course in Russian it is more than just hillarious. Anyway, it is funny as hell. A disclaimer: there was a positive part as well but I cut it out. One more thing, google translates skate as "rental":

Доброго времени суток, Станислав!

Мой монреальский друг сказал, что это нужно благодарить тебя и твою жену за то, что в силу лишь вам известных обстоятельств, вы решили отказаться от похода на первый день Чемпионата Европы в Москве.

Будь уверен, что твои ~5000 рублей за два билета не выброшены в помойку, а позволили одному из фанатов фигурного катания наконец-то увидеть в первый раз настолько близко ледовую арену.

Однако, может быть вам даже повезло, вы сами для себя это уже решите, но вот мои впечатления.

Увидев крайнее первое место в расположении арены, я обрадовался, подумав, что с правой стороны никого не будет. Однако, с правой стороны прямо впритык 20ое место сектора C2. Не поняв это сначала, я долгое время скитался по рядам ледовой арены, пытаясь не споткнуться о ноги дам преклонного возраста, коих было очень много. После, я нашел одном место - целый пустой ряд, подумав, что вот! Это оно! Но с местом я ошибся опять. Хотя вид там неплохой, прямо около того тоннеля, из которого выходят спортсмены и тренера. Я было хотел там остаться, но паранойя внутри, что скоро придут стюарды и погонят, заставила меня спустя какое-то время обратиться к очень симпатичной девочке-стюарду, которая очень вежливо провела меня в нужный ряд и показала моё место. И тут началось...

Я вроде было уже успокоился, всё, никакой паранойи, сижу на законном своем месте, у меня их даже два! Однако, зло не бездельничало в это время. Внезапно, спустя секунд двадцать, как только сел на правильные места, я почувствовал запах тухлого дерьма. Может быть, даже хуже. Знаешь, этот запах один, и им обычно пахнут всякие бомжи и старухи, которые, бывает, едут с тобой в метро в вагоне; ни с чем не спутаешь. К счастью, мерзкое зловонье периодически пропадало, но также периодически и появлялось вновь.

Вдобавок ко всему, недалеко от меня сидел комментатор. Да, знаете, обычный зритель, который после каждого проката в полный голос начинает обсуждать увиденное, да еще и неся в основном одну глупость - видно, что человек не разбирается. Я терпел, думал, ну раз прокат прокомментировал, два, скоро замолчит, но нет. Пришлось попросить его говорить потише, за что он извинился, и дальше стал говорить действительно тише. Хотя все равно, периодически его комментарии были достаточно громкими.

Ну а гвоздь в доску гроба забила дама, что сидела прям рядом со мной. У нее, видимо, что-то с руками, потому что, когда она хлопала, то было ощущение, что она двумя дубинками стучит... Докатились, людей надо еще и хлопать учить? То есть ни такта, ничего, просто как двумя деревяшками кто-то стучит, прям на уровне моего уха. И это не самое страшное. Она еще кричала, знаете, эти звуки: "Уууууууу", которые порой можно услышать после определенных прокатов? Теперь я знаю, кто их издает, но надеюсь, что большинство вполне адекватно. В итоге все эти жутко звонкие хлопки и "ууу" - были мне прямо в ухо. Так она еще и в большинстве своему ууукала и стучала дерев... руками иностранным спортсменам, более холодно относясь к нашим. Что даже хорошо, ибо я бы не выдержал, если бы она всем так отчаянно хлопала и орала.

В целом, своим походом я удовлетворен, но теперь имею некоторые сомнения. Тут, я полагаю, как с поездами: кто попадется в соседи по купе или платцу - загадка. Как повезет, что называется.

Подводя итог, еще раз хочу тебя поблагодарить за предоставленную возможность! Спасибо! Желаю удачи в следующие дни, чтобы ваши соседи оказались более адекватными и свежими.

P. S. Ту сволочь, что так дико воняла, мне так и не удалось вычислить.

P. P. S. Советую взять с собой духи/дезодорант. Можно еще и беруши.


Feb 18, 2014
We brought our 5 year old son to the Europeans because he said he wanted to. He knows that I am an "FS freak" and my wife is 50% of what I am. Also he just started to learn to skate although so far he goes along a "2 meter guy" schedule so that hockey seems more realistic. So we brought him and, of course, 5 hour marathon was too much for him. We did our best to keep him quiet. But some people around still might have been not very happy. Sorry, guys. That's life. Next time think twice before buying a flight ticket. Because having a crying hysterically baby next to you is a much harder ordeal than an agile 5-year old boy who got bored after a while.

Well, a 5 year old probably does know what's going on - I was thinking more of 2 or 3 year olds. But if a child starts making a noise, he should be taken out at the next possible break, in order not to spoil others' enjoyment. It's just manners.

[email protected]

Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
But if a child starts making a noise, he should be taken out at the next possible break, in order not to spoil others' enjoyment. It's just manners.

Should be taken out where? So, we paid all that money, we were for weeks anticipating Zagitova vs. Medvedeva. And now because of manners we should go home during the break? Does not work with me. Of course, we did our best to pacify him and in the end he just fell asleep.


Feb 18, 2014
Should be taken out where? So, we paid all that money, we were for weeks anticipating Zagitova vs. Medvedeva. And now because of manners we should go home during the break? Does not work with me. Of course, we did our best to pacify him and in the end he just fell asleep.

Of COURSE not go home! I meant go to the area just outside where there are refreshment stands, toilets and the like. At most arenas they are even showing the event on TV screens so you wouldn't miss anything. Probably a change of scene would have helped calm him down.


Feb 20, 2016
It looks like the river by the main stadium is completely frozen. Wouldn't it be great if they went old school and held the figure skating competition outdoors on natural ice!

Although I imagine that would probably give the (Olympic Athlete From) Russia skaters an even bigger advantage...

[email protected]

Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
Anyway, we are going to Korea without kids - cost is not the last argument for that. Let's see how good the Olympic crowd is going to be.

In Sochi it was not as bad as some people here want it to be especially during the short program. Of course, shouting Ra-sse-ya right after Yuna finished her free program was obnoxious. But it was not because people wanted to humiliate her or were rude in general - they just desperately wanted Adelina to win.

Another famous case - exodus after Pluschenko's injury can be also explained by people's devastation. He is a legend. After the team win where he was quite strong the Russian crowd expected him to redeem for Vancouver. When he said he is not doing it without other Russian skaters there with other unknown to general public names many were just depressed and decided "why bother?" It's not classy but it's not the end of the world as well because one can sympathize with those feelings if she/he tries.

So, how is it going to be in Korea? I shall write about it. I am sure there won't be Ka-rre-yaa! shouts or an exodus should anything happen with Dabin Choi or Cha but no one will argue that the situation now is quite different from Sochi. The worst I expect is the crowd's giving cold shoulder to Russian ladies. But even this happens I hope they will survive it. For one thing, I shall shout like crazy then.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Of COURSE not go home! I meant go to the area just outside where there are refreshment stands, toilets and the like. At most arenas they are even showing the event on TV screens so you wouldn't miss anything. Probably a change of scene would have helped calm him down.

If we do take our daughter to Stars on Ice, we’ll probably sit further back and closer to the concourse so that yes one of me and my husband can take her out and allow her to walk around. It will be an interesting experiment. She’ll be close to 3 when SOI comes around.

I did a see folks at US Nationals take kids that seemed close to my daughter’s age, but I know my daughter would have not been up for sitting for that long.
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Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
If we do take our daughter to Stars on Ice, we’ll probably sit further back and closer to the concourse so that yes one of me and my husband can take her out and allow her to walk around. It will be an interesting experiment. She’ll be close to 3 when SOI comes around.

I did a see folks at US Nationals take kids that seemed close to my daughter’s age, but I know my daughter would have not been up for sitting for that long.

Stars on Ice is a good choice because it's much shorter than a competition and much flashier. I hope you have a good experience.

We took my children to a 4-hour! opera (with 3 intermissions!) when they were a good bit older than your daughter, but still definitely children. They were mesmerized. Not a peep out of either of them. So you never know what will happen. We were definitely prepared to take one or both of them outside if the going got rough, leaving one adult to enjoy the rest of the opera.