Alexandra Trusova switching from Tutberidze to Plushenko | Page 10 | Golden Skate

Alexandra Trusova switching from Tutberidze to Plushenko


On the Ice
Sep 12, 2019
Pluschenko had Tarakanova, which, at first, seemed like was beijg bullied by him. But the girl can’t stay 1 year with the same coach after him, and also, why do you think she left Eteri? She seems like a very emotional girl, and maybe she doesn’t have the strength necessary for the competitiveness of this sport. And Serafima was already at the bottom of her career. Pluschenko never had a top skater, in top shape coming to him, and he had never prioritized a skater’s coaching before the way he promised to do with Alexandra. Even if Pluschenko doesn’t comprimise with Alexandra, she’ll have Rozanov, who did a beautiful job with the novices and with Kamila. Can people please stop thinking Pluschenko only has bad things because of his wife? And can people please stop acting like Eteri is the only good coach in the world? Let’s give Sasha a chance to prove it was a good thing, we may get surprised.

Plyushchenko goes in public and calls Nastya a hysterical psycho, shifts all the blame on her. An allegedly emotionally unstable young girl, who just turned 15

This is all talk about a little girl who may or may not have certain feelings, reasonings, whatever and a father who presumably takes her opinions into account. And we have a coach who calls little girls traitors. Need I say more? I don't sympathise with Eteri to be honest who is an excellent kids coach but can't handle it when a pupil wants to do her own thing.
But expecting a little girl to handle all this as if she were an adult? Right. She may be senior (although I have my own opinion on the age thing) but this is still a little girl who happens to love her dogs and wants to win in skating. I just want her to be happy, and maybe Pluschenko will do just that for her. Or not. We will see. But Pluschenko does know how a 15-year-old wanting success can feel..he's been there. He had Mischin to support him, and he might draw on that and empathise.

So when i read something like this ^ it puzzles me
I guess people just don't care, since the hate is so strong


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
If plushenko seriously gets a shae-Lynn Bourne or Jeffery buttle to choreograph her program, .

I don't know but has a chance the choreographer will be Emanuel Sandhu or Misha Ge. Eman and Plushy are working together for years and they are really good frineds. Plushy is one of Misha's role models (another one is Daisuke ) they are also good friends. - "Gentlemen. 💪🏼...Champions aren’t just made on the ice. I’m reminded of this every time I have the pleasure of performing with my good friend Evgeni @plushenkoofficial
Thanks for all the laughs, dude!! You’re a true embodiment & all around great guy!🌟"


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
This is all talk about a little girl who may or may not have certain feelings, reasonings, whatever and a father who presumably takes her opinions into account. And we have a coach who calls little girls traitors. Need I say more? I don't sympathise with Eteri to be honest who is an excellent kids coach but can't handle it when a pupil wants to do her own thing. I don't really care who is right or wrong, but to me it's abusive to use this kind of wordings towards a child. And it doesn't really matter whether the change leads to better results. For some, changing coaches is a good thing, for others it isn't (Keegan Messing for example thrives on having had the same coach for ever). But expecting a little girl to handle all this as if she were an adult? Right. She may be senior (although I have my own opinion on the age thing) but this is still a little girl who happens to love her dogs and wants to win in skating. I just want her to be happy, and maybe Pluschenko will do just that for her. Or not. We will see. But Pluschenko does know how a 15-year-old wanting success can feel..he's been there. He had Mischin to support him, and he might draw on that and empathise. I don't know if that will make him a better coach, but I can understand a girl wanting that understanding. Will it lead to results? I don't know, and - again - I don't really care. I do wish Alexandra to be happy though. If not with results, then with spending time with her dogs.

I wouldn't go as far as saying Mr Trusov signed a pact with the devil, or rather hell's angel ...

But it strikes me as odd no other qualified trainer with a good standing could be found for Aleksandra.

Two parties apperently rejected her.

I have been reading lots of Russian news over this of late.

There is a general consensus that taking in an athlete like Aleksandra loads you with huge responsibility and risk.

You need to fill the shoes of Tutberidze and her combined staff, which is daunting and formidable in itself.
You need to be bigger than them in your aspirations with Aleksandra.
Given she is a ready made athlete at the peak of her powers, instant results are required, right from the first real competition.
Given her star status and past merits, these can only be Gold medals. Anything less won't suffice, no medal at all is failure.
The risk is you will be judged on your failure far more harshly than on your successes, because you have little claim to these, she is ready made athlete after all, groundbreaking, record holder, destroyer of stereotypes, etc., all credit for this goes to #TeamTutberidzeForProgress.

Little wonder most established parties shy away from such responsibility, they won't risk their reputation for a girl entering puberty.


Fan of Kolyada
Final Flight
Jun 6, 2019
I don't know but has a chance the choreographer will be Emanuel Sandhu or Misha Ge. Eman and Plushy are working together for years and they are really good frineds. Plushy is one of Misha's role models (another one is Daisuke ) they are also good friends. - "Gentlemen. ����...Champions aren’t just made on the ice. I’m reminded of this every time I have the pleasure of performing with my good friend Evgeni @plushenkoofficial
Thanks for all the laughs, dude!! You’re a true embodiment & all around great guy!��"

Either of those would be a reasonable choice.


Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2014
Yes they did, especially mentally and physically. Why is there this perception that skaters are perfect under Eteri but start to struggle when leaving her? People like to forget that skaters have problems not because they left Eteri, but because they have to fix the flaws Eteri teached them. Some are leaving her when injured. Medvedeva is improving fine, Yulia also improved under Urmanov, even got her jumps back, but had other issuse and retired.
Others lost the passion for skating and decide to study ( Tsurskaya).
And then there are skaters, still in Eteri camp, who also struggle. Pitkeev had to retire bc of back injury and where is Tursynbaeva these days? ( also out with back injury). Where's Zagitova? The last time we saw her, she was last in the GPF. Medvedeva also did worse in her last season with Eteri, so did Yulia.
And so on.

Medvedeva did worse in her last year with Eteri? That's some worse coming off a serious foot fracture to give two of the best performances ever in ladies figure skating at the Olympics to win a silver medal. And no one escapes this tough sport of figure skating uninjured. No one.

Where is Alina? She will return to competition if she really wants it if she doesn't she won't. What does it matter to you? She's won everything at 16 and has nothing to prove. Funny how people like you think the only skaters who ever take breaks or get injured or in a certain figure skating school with the number 70 in it. ;) Sasha worked with eteri for five years doing incredible feats of athleticism on skates. How did she remain uninjured all those years? Hmmm. And Alina suffered a broken arm and broken leg before she started working with EG. Alina had no major injuries with the great coach in four plus years of working with her. That can't be! ;)

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Two parties apperently rejected her.


Are there any established news or official sources (such as the coaches themselves, the Russian Fed, or Sasha or her team) that say that Sasha was "rejected" by two other coaches? The spousal unit is a classicist and I value "primary sources". (ETA: only added to say why I ask; an opinion is an opinion, and that's great, but I can't help wanting to distinguish:) )

Jumping off, and not directed at this post, a skater should train wherever he or she wants to train. A minor skater has her parents to make that decision for her, as well they ought. The minor skaters who skate with Eteri also have their parents make that decision for them.

No coach is the best at anything. No coach is the worst at everything. Certainly no coach is the best choice for every single skater on this earth.

As for me, I am not a fan of coaches qua coaches, I follow skaters. I don't follow Sasha, but if she and her parents feel this is the best move for her, good for her and best of luck.:clap:
Last edited:


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
If plushenko seriously gets a shae-Lynn Bourne or Jeffery buttle to choreograph her program, and she bumps up components slightly then she will just need 3A and easy quads to win.

A Bourne or Buttle choreography is no magic recipe when all this ultra-si has to be crammed in, to make Aleksandra competitive, she needs a male layout

When not loaded with an excessive number of exhausting jumps, Aleksandra has pretty good edges and skating skills, far better than usually attributed to her.

Best make maximum use of those edges and skills first, before going to prestigious foreigners who have no idea to stage a winning routine for the best female athlete they will ever have the honour to work with. Aleksandra has little command over English, is a minor child still, I don't know how easily 'choreo' comes to her, so how many weeks might be needed? Assuming money is no objection for Plyushchenko?

Any choice of image, presentation, music and choreography, even costume, will be most interesting. Since now a direct comparison in 'packaging' can be made by a multitude of medal winning programs and images of the highest caliber staged by the combined excellence of Tutberidze/Gleikhengauz.

And I believe Aleksandra might need a new dressmaker too. Olga Ryabenko didn't sound too enthousiastic over Aleksandra leaving Khrustalniy.

Will we ever see Tina again in matching outfits, or little Tina at all, cuddled in Aleksandra's strong arms?

Good Vibes Only

On the Ice
Sep 22, 2019
I think that this split was inevitable. Everyone knew at one point or another that Sasha, Anna, or Aliona would change coaches at some point. These girls are friends, but above that they are competitors and they all have the same goal of winning. It’s hard when your coach has another student in your event that she coaches. Trust I have been through that for several years and it is such an internal conflict because you want to be friends with that person, but then when you lose to them you get mad. We have seen it happen with all three girls this season. Then when money and championship titles get involved, it is even harder on them. Training against your main competition six days per week is grueling. This change may not only benefit Sasha, but it also might benefit Anna and Aliona.

Also, we don’t know all of the reasons and I am sure that there is more stuff that happened behind the scenes that we don’t know about either. I am sure that Sasha’s parents didn’t force her to leave either like others of you have said. Only time will tell if this coaching change will benefit Sasha. For her sake, I hope that it does and that she is able to achieve her goals.


Nov 9, 2014
If Aleksanda wants a fresh perspective and thinks she needs a new coach to achieve it then that's her right. She doesn't have to stay with Eteri forever.

My issue is she seems to be looking at her situation all wrong. She fell to #3 in the trio because her PCS are not strong not her jumps. Her jumps were failing because she was trying too much and worse of all trying to force them. You can't succeed when you try to force things, they have to come naturally. If she went to a group more known for a more PCS oriented vision then I wouldn't be questioning anything but she didn't. She's going to people known for training jumps. That just makes me think she's heading down the wrong path and that's too bad. Maybe it will be a surprise and work out for her but I have a hard time seeing that at the moment.


Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2014
Plyushchenko goes in public and calls Nastya a hysterical psycho, shifts all the blame on her. An allegedly emotionally unstable young girl, who just turned 15

So when i read something like this ^ it puzzles me
I guess people just don't care, since the hate is so strong

Thank you for bringing up what plushenko said about Nastia T when she left. Those comments were truly deplorable. You would think one of the all-time great skaters would be better than that as a coach as to what to say and not to say.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Jeffrey Buttle has worked with Yuna Kim, IIRC. So if Sasha has the privilege of working with him, she will not be the best female skater he has ever worked with.

Jeffrey and ShaeLynn, having worked with Yuzu, Javi and Nathan, have some small experience with accommodating many quads in programs;)

I have no idea who Sasha's choreographer will be. I have only watched her skate a few times, but is Sasha the one they had lifting her leg for half a second every other stroke? If so, she seems to be a much better skater than that and any choreo would be an improvement on that. But since I don't follow these ladies, that may not be her and I could be wrong. :shrug:

Language skills are important, and I do not know how that would be handled, and could be a problem.


On the Ice
Aug 27, 2019
Sasha apparently posted on one of her social medias that it was for “personal reasons”.

Above everything, I hope she stays happy and healthy. It seems to have been about more than the competitions and medals and results. If she wasn’t happy with Eteri, why should she stay?


Record Breaker
Dec 6, 2013
If Aleksanda wants a fresh perspective and thinks she needs a new coach to achieve it then that's her right. She doesn't have to stay with Eteri forever.

My issue is she seems to be looking at her situation all wrong. She fell to #3 in the trio because her PCS are not strong not her jumps. Her jumps were failing because she was trying too much and worse of all trying to force them. You can't succeed when you try to force things, they have to come naturally. If she went to a group more known for a more PCS oriented vision then I wouldn't be questioning anything but she didn't. She's going to people known for training jumps. That just makes me think she's heading down the wrong path and that's too bad. Maybe it will be a surprise and work out for her but I have a hard time seeing that at the moment.

It is striking that she and her parents were already shopping around for coaches during Russian Nationals. Which means 1 bronze and she's out, which is very presumptuous of her.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
It is striking that she and her parents were already shopping around for coaches during Russian Nationals. Which means 1 bronze and she's out, which is very presumptuous of her.

Possibly earlier even, at Skate Canada (which seems unlikely to me, as Mrs Trusova was with her daughter) or at Rostelekom GP, the only chance for Mr Trusov to personally meet with foreign trainers in Moscow without prying eyes. Grand Prix finals in Turin, or by the latest at Europeans, when foreign trainers were in Graz.


Final Flight
Jan 14, 2020
Thank you for bringing up what plushenko said about Nastia T when she left. Those comments were truly deplorable. You would think one of the all-time great skaters would be better than that as a coach as to what to say and not to say.
Whereas, of course, it is exemplary when Alexei Zheleznyajov publicly accuses his 15-year-old ex-student of treason and assures her that she is simply no longer exist for the team.


Fan of Kolyada
Final Flight
Jun 6, 2019
A Bourne or Buttle choreography is no magic recipe when all this ultra-si has to be crammed in, to make Aleksandra competitive, she needs a male layout

When not loaded with an excessive number of exhausting jumps, Aleksandra has pretty good edges and skating skills, far better than usually attributed to her.

Best make maximum use of those edges and skills first, before going to prestigious foreigners who have no idea to stage a winning routine for the best female athlete they will ever have the honour to work with. Aleksandra has little command over English, is a minor child still, I don't know how easily 'choreo' comes to her, so how many weeks might be needed? Assuming money is no objection for Plyushchenko?

Any choice of image, presentation, music and choreography, even costume, will be most interesting. Since now a direct comparison in 'packaging' can be made by a multitude of medal winning programs and images of the highest caliber staged by the combined excellence of Tutberidze/Gleikhengauz.

And I believe Aleksandra might need a new dressmaker too. Olga Ryabenko didn't sound too enthousiastic over Aleksandra leaving Khrustalniy.

Will we ever see Tina again in matching outfits, or little Tina at all, cuddled in Aleksandra's strong arms?

Have you seen nathan chen before shae Lynn Bourne and after? He was 1 million times improved....
Trusova would find jumps easier if they stopped cramming every transition possible in. Use edges to advantages rather than do the danny g style with split second spirals and quick passed transitions that add nothing to the performance.


Nov 9, 2014
It is striking that she and her parents were already shopping around for coaches during Russian Nationals. Which means 1 bronze and she's out, which is very presumptuous of her.

And that's when the wheels really started falling off the wagon. I remember around that time, and after, all the talks online were, "she's now going to try xxxx quads!" and "she's working harder on the 3A in pratice and might go for it!" There was no stay the course and try to skate cleaner/better. At Euros they tried to throw in the kitchen sink and of course it failed.

I think when looking back now, after the GPF, it was clear that Aleksandra's vision of her skating and what Eteri and co were trying to do for her no longer matched. There probably was some arguing about what to do and Euros was the result of that. I guess the split was inevitable and it wasn't about Eteri having too many top skaters and she's only #3 but what direction does her skating take.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
Maksim Trankov: “ Trusova should stay away from social media at least for six months ”

Two-time champion of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Maksim Trankov, commented on the transfer of Aleksandra Trusova from Eteri Tutberidze to the academy of Yevgeniy Plyushchenko.

- In figure skating, transitions are often painfully received by the fans and coaches they are leaving. But at the same time, it is a great responsibility both for the athletes themselves and for those coaches who take them to themselves. In this case, Plyushchenko, who took upon himself a serious responsibility. Sasha is a unique athlete with a unique jumping set. If she pulls up her skating, then she may well be invincible for many years. Someday, transitions in figure skating will be treated like transfers in football or hockey, but so far this is an explosion of emotions in the press and on forums.

I was surprised by this transition. This trio that Eteri Tutberidze had is now broken up. But Trusova was the third in all these confrontations, and apparently this did not suit her a little. Somewhere, she felt deprived of attention or something else. In defense of the athlete I can only say one thing - they rarely leave from a good life. Of course, for Eteri Georgiyevna is painful to lose an athlete, and even that. I believe that in the change of coach there is no betrayal of any athlete. This was said about Medvyedeva and others. But this is normal, it’s like a transfer in football, for example.

Not everyone does notice the fact that coach Sergey Rozanov also passed over with Sasha. Well, at almost the same time he decided to go along with his athletes, or something did not suit him. Maybe the attention towards hime is not the same as towards Gleikhengauz or Dudakov. I think this will facilitate the work of Trusova with Plyushchenko, because there will be a personal trainer nearby.

How long will it take to show a decent result? It's hard to forecast anything, Sasha is still a young athlete. She can shoot at the next starts. Everything will depend on training only. I think this is an additional incentive to prove to yourself and haters that the transition was justified, and she only got better.

I think that Sasha needs to abandon social media for at least six months, do not read anything, close comments. Do not pay attention to the negative, work. She is a unique athlete, but she has a serious minus - not very strong skating skills. I think a lot of work remains to be done, ” Trankov said on air of the “ Everything for the Match! ” program.

Trankov not quite sharp on the details he must surely know, since he often works for TV