2017 Four Continents Men FS | Page 67 | Golden Skate

2017 Four Continents Men FS


On the Ice
Nov 1, 2008
Nathan Chen: This kid is THE TRUTH. He has the opportunity to be a breakthrough star in the United States at the level that Michelle Kwan was. When is the last time we had a singles skater, male or female, that could deliver and compete under the pressure like this? Phenomenal.
Jason Brown: Deserves more credit for the competitor he is. Despite injuries or an off day, he can reliably get through most of his planned content and has the international respect to garner top five PCS scores. Yes, he doesn't have the tech content to podium, but a 6th place finish here while fighting through both programs bodes well for the US to get three spots at Worlds. It is a pleasure to watch a skater who displays not only beautiful skating, but competitive competence 100% of the time. Knock him for not having a consistent quad, but he still holds true to the athletic and competitive aspect of sport as much as the top men.
Yuzuru Hanyu: Please don't get injured before World's trying to top Nathan's technical content.
Han Yan: What in the world was that music edit? Just no.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
somehow, in this thread, I hit 8000 on GS ... something none of the medalists have done ;) HA!

please GS, do not break down... it's not the first time, a guy with more content beats a more "watchable" guy.... and it's not the last time either.

I actually think Nathan will develop as a great skater... he is so young yet he has presence, flair and he does 'skate" I don't mind this outcome at all, which was highly predictable after the SP.

Yuzu : good thinking to revamp the program a bit but man, you gotta fix your 4S combo... that's what did you in both the SP and LP
Shoma : most beautiful quad loop I have seen in competition. and the only quad i like from you :) haha... sorrynotsorry
Patrick : we are improving buddy... much better than GPF... if you had nailed 4S I think things would have been very different... However, you stayed true to yourself and skated like nobody else can do... and this is why : 4everchan
Boyang : rough season continues. but I am not worried.. I like to call Boyang a diamond in the rough... let's just see if he gets the help he needs to develop as a skater, as obviously, he cannot only rely on TES at this point... proof is in the pudding.
Nam : you have one of the great redemption skates of the night. I like your new coaching team. You have brought back your 4toe... keep going... JUDGES : if you are going to reward quadsters with high PCS, 72 for nam? give me a break... the kid is engaging, skating a bit faster than before and he does not look as messy on the ice as some others...

Jason : i don't know what to say. I know you have lots of fans. I know WHY you have lots of fans. I do not mind the lower level content but you have to find ways to be at peace with it, train for it, and deliver flawless programs every time... I think i read there's an injury... that may explain things.

Han : as I love you with all my being, this was painful. I have a feeling that the emergence of boyang stressed you out... DO YOUR OWN BEAUTIFUL SKATING... and forget about the others.

DENIS TEN? where were you???? didn't anyone tell you that you cannot do Europeans??? This was your event to take part in?

Misha Ge : good skating tonight.... i saw your program at ACI.... i went from super fan to MEH...sorry... but here is the silver lining.... i think you will have a great after competition career both in shows and as a choreographer... I preferred you when you didn't try to rank well and just did your own thing... now... well.. yeah...

Did i miss anyone??? blame the gin... and now that I am out of it.. who knows what will happen at 4everchan's home
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Feb 20, 2014
I won't understand how Chen gets +4 PCS than he did at GPF.
Someone please explain me, because I don't see any difference between the two programs except that the one at GPF seemed better to me.


Final Flight
Jan 22, 2015
I think Nathan has improved artistically just since the beginning of the season. He's seems to be trying to not just rely on jumps alone and I appreciate that. Now is he anywhere close to being as good at interpretation and artistry as Yuzu and Javi? No but he is trying and seeing him live at US Nats really endeared him to me. So congrats Nathan! Also congrats to Jason Brown who finished 6th with no quad...certainly no easy task in this field


Record Breaker
Dec 5, 2009
Though all three skates had tiny mistakes, but the podium was right.

Nathan had two turnouts in FS.
Yuzu did some medium mistakes, missing combos and popping quads.
Shoma fell on two triple axels.
I was starting to wonder if a low level geophysical event had taken place affecting the ice arena and the skaters :)
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Feb 8, 2014
The judging was overall quite fair. Hanyu deserved to win the free skate, but that doubling of the quad had Nathan earn enough points to carry him to first place overall. I would have given Chen maybe a 86 in PCS but I think the judges like giving extra points to skaters who skate last and survive the pressure (after Hanyu, no less). The gold at worlds, though, is still Hanyu's to lose with his improved jump layout.

Agreed. I hope the Japanese media don't lose their minds tripping over all the quad math. And hopefully his fans will chill it with the indignation and check in with reality. There's no beating a clean Hanyu. Worlds is still his to lose.


Final Flight
Nov 7, 2007
Wow, just wow.
Congrats to the medalists!
I have to mention Shoma's fall on 3A. It was so on point and went well with the music, I wonder if they rewarded it in IN and PE category. ;)

Men's skating nowadays is a totally different beast from couple of years back. Back then I used to be impressed if a skater does three quads in one program. Now they are doing 3 different types of quads or more!! And they are not just jumping beans either. This is really crazy!! What an exciting time to be a men's skating fan.:agree:
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Apr 4, 2016
If Hanyu doesn't pop either of his quad salchows in the short OR long, he wins.

Seriously, he only needed one of those to be clean to win. It was pretty close. But am I the only one who noticed if Hanyu is going to mess up a quad it's the Salchow? It seems to be a pattern this season, maybe they need to use the quad toe more. idk.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009

The placements are right -- though I'd be cool with Yuzu winning but he did pop that jump in the SP.
I'm glad Yuzu won the free.
Patrick got the highest in step sequences (5.8 +1.7) Jason got the second most point in total step sequences (5.8+1.6). Yay. (though Shoma had the higher STSq4 score with 2.00). Jason had the highest spins, not a huge surprise really.
Good night everyone!
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On the Ice
Oct 21, 2013
I won't understand how Chen gets +4 PCS than he did at GPF.
Someone please explain me, because I don't see any difference between the two programs except that the one at GPF seemed better to me.

Nathan has great line, posture, and balletic movement. Hanyu can't do that.


Constant state
Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2017
I just woke up, checked the results and would like to congratulate the medalists. I need to check videos but everything was lit, apparently. Great job Nathan and Yuzu! I feel like losing to Nathan here on the short (but having the best long of his season) is going to be doubly motivating to Yuzu. And Nathan winning 4CC is going to give him even more confidence. Worlds is going to be even more of a bloodbath. I'm sorry about my baby Shoma, though.

I need to go check videos because I have little idea of what happened except that Nathan landed stuff and Yuzu popped his Sal combo but did a second 4T (but where's the third combo, boy!? You could have won if you'd done 3A-1lo-3S and the 4T at the end instead of 4T-2T and 3A! Brian needs to teach Yuzu that 3 combos are gooooood).


Apr 2, 2016
I think Nathan has improved artistically just since the beginning of the season. He's seems to be trying to not just rely on jumps alone and I appreciate that. Now is he anywhere close to being as good at interpretation and artistry as Yuzu and Javi? No but he is trying and seeing him live at US Nats really endeared him to me. So congrats Nathan! Also congrats to Jason Brown who finished 6th with no quad...certainly no easy task in this field

I appreciate that fact that he is working on technical content and components.


Sep 22, 2010
Um no. Yuzuru lost because Nathan was given a VERY generous PCS score. How is his Interpretation and Composition worth a high 8? One judge even gave them a SAME score for skating skill.

But well, I guess we should have seen this coming, after what happened in the ladies field

Yuzuru lost because he screwed up the SP. He still won the LP, though, despite Nathan 5 quads. So clearly he just needs to stop popping that quad Salchow.


Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2011
I know right! They should have been no more than 5. :p

Let me guess, you think Hanyu and Chen are at least [insert exact number of points to give Hanyu the win] PCS differential. :rolleye:

Are you not getting tired of trying to predict what utter ridiculous fan reaction I have way before and always being embarassingly off?

I'm fine with Nathan winning overall. I'm not fine with these LPs only being about 2 points apart. That's ridiculous.