State of the U.S. Men's Figure Skating for 2014-15 | Page 36 | Golden Skate

State of the U.S. Men's Figure Skating for 2014-15

Jun 21, 2003
I think there is a lot of sense in pushing Max actually as he does provide a great contrast to Jason. And that is not a bad thing for either of them. I don't remember who but one person was saying the USFSA should consider using their three spots at worlds to display "The Athlete" "The Artist" and "The Performer" with Jason being the performer, Either Joshua Farris or Jeremy Abbot could fill the role of the artist very well but there are not that many USA guys that can get fill the athlete role. I thought it was a great way to look at things, and could be really smart.

I think it would be better to send to Worlds the three skaters who do the best at Nationals and make the most of their international opportunities, regardless of how we might characterize their skating.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
I think it would be better to send to Worlds the three skaters who do the best at Nationals and make the most of their international opportunities, regardless of how we might characterize their skating.

And wouldn't it be great if the three best (as the judges see it that night) happened to be the three with those attributes? (and I believe Karne originated those apt descriptions...) Unless of course we just have ten jumps in a row and see who does the jumps best. Because it is, after all, a sport ;) (in case that is not coming across, with just a tad of sarcasm....)

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
:agree: But could we squeeze Ricky Dornbush in there somewhere? ;)

Yes, maybe Ricky could be the combo of all three?:thumbsup: The LP at CC was lovely, and I would like to see it clean. Also, on a totally minor note, I really appreciated his version of the "less is more" costume.


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2014
I just re watched Josh Farris' free skate at NHK. Gosh, he is such a beautiful skater and I do hope he can put NHK behind him and do well going forward. This performance was so freely expressive, something which seemed to me to be missing from his performing in the past. Question: has he redone some of the choreography since last year or is it the same? I like the program itself better.


Record Breaker
Nov 4, 2010
I just re watched Josh Farris' free skate at NHK. Gosh, he is such a beautiful skater and I do hope he can put NHK behind him and do well going forward. This performance was so freely expressive, something which seemed to me to be missing from his performing in the past. Question: has he redone some of the choreography since last year or is it the same? I like the program itself better.

Josh really does have World podium talent if he could ever stay healthy and get his head together. He should be challenging for the National title at this point in his career.


Record Breaker
Nov 28, 2012

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Thanks. I didn't realize the cruise line shows were approved by ISU.

TBH, I am not sure that they are.

But Ryan Bradley has been a cruise performer, and he recently considered returning to competition -- at least for Nats, I think. (But ultimately decided not to.)
Sorry, I don't remember where I read that RB said that. But IIRC, it was in a published article. AFAIK, it was not just a rumor or piece of gossip on a forum.

So I was/am assuming (only assuming) that Mroz has not shut the door on future competition.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I just re watched Josh Farris' free skate at NHK. Gosh, he is such a beautiful skater and I do hope he can put NHK behind him and do well going forward. This performance was so freely expressive, something which seemed to me to be missing from his performing in the past. Question: has he redone some of the choreography since last year or is it the same? I like the program itself better.

There has been some changes to the choreo - for example, the step sequence last year was that entrancing circle, this year it goes the length of the ice and IMO loses a little of the magic it had last year.


Record Breaker
Feb 23, 2014
Dornbush has made a very a long post in his facebook page explaining that his mother has been admited to the hospital after several weeks sick with out the doctors being able to tell for sure what does she has.

Looks like some fans have been complaingin of him being "unresponsive" by some fans.

Wishing a speedy recover for Ricky´s mother and the best for him at nationals, I do think he is underrated.

A couple of weeks ago my mother started feeling ill. Instead of an improvement over time she found herself feeling worse and worse developing a headache that was crippling. On New Years Eve she went to the ER to get some help. The next day, after rudimentary tests for basic causes she was sent home with a shrug as to what could be wrong and was told to merely follow up with her primary physician. Last Friday, with her condition worsening, my sister Rebecca demanded she go to a hospital with a better reputation for competent care. My mom has since been admitted to Cedar Sinai in LA for diagnosis and treatment. She has four doctors with her including the head of the infectious diseases ward as her case is quite serious as well as mysterious. We are still unsure as to the cause of her illness but treatment for Typhus, along with a couple of other things, has been helping. They are sure that there is something else to the story but won't know for sure until some of the tests come back (many of which had to be sent outside the hospital[CDC] because of their rarity). As of yet she has no release date and may continue to be hospitalized for an additional week. Needless to say, I'm positive she would greatly appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!
I just started my Winter quarter and am very busy training for Nationals(my mother will no longer be able to attend). I apologize if I seem in any way unresponsive but I have a lot of things on my plate that may keep me from answering all of your questions. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (or holidays in general; I'm looking at you, Hanukkah), and hope that this sliver of ill fortune doesn't darken your day too much.
- Ricky
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Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
Dornbush has made a very a long post in his facebook page explaining that his mother has been admited to the hospital after several weeks sick with out the doctors being able to tell for sure what does she has.

Looks like some fans have been complaingin of him being "unresponsive" by some fans.

Wishing a speedy recover for Ricky´s mon and the best for him at nationals, I do think he is underrated.

I'm so sorry for Ricky. Best wishes for his mom's recovery. :cry:
I want him on the podium more than ever now.


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2014
I'm also very sorry to hear this, and I hope that she is treated successfully and is better soon. He and his sister must be worried to death.

On a happier note, as reported in the Jason Brown thread:

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Feb 2014

Amy Rosewater‏@amyrosewater 50m50 minutes ago

Spoke with @jasonbskates and he said he will practice his quad at #NC2015, and may consider attempting it should he make the World Team.



Dec 19, 2012
So sorry to hear about Ricky's mom. Here's hoping she will recover fast and that Ricky will skate really well in NC despite the rough time his family is havig right now. I'd love to see Ricky on the podium.


Match Penalty
Sep 10, 2013
More bad news, looks like Jeremy Abbott´s father has just die. Source.

Thoughts and prayers with Jeremy and his family.

If Jeremy still goes to Nationals, I have a major feeling it's going to be with a fire burning in him that no one has ever seen him come to Nationals with, he'll skate for his dad. If that is the case, look out!

Love and light to Jeremy and his family.