2014 Skate America Ladies SP 10/25 | Page 25 | Golden Skate

2014 Skate America Ladies SP 10/25


Apr 28, 2011
With clean skates she never had hope of placing above third anyway so she's right on track.

And please keep crying some more about American GP judges favoring Russians over Americans. Perhaps you're going to actually watch the Free Skates with your eyes open?

I'm talking in the passage you cited about what might be going on in Gracie's head. The only advantage Russians have is being highly touted Russian figure skaters with all the leverage that infers, and the fact they delivered technically. Radio is gonna be the BOMB, and she ready to have it all right now. I don't think we can say that Gracie was gonna be in third anyway. If she hadn't made the two silly errors (losing spin at the end and slight problem on first of her opening jumps) she possibly would have been placed ahead of Elena. Tuk is definitely over-rated on PCS.

The whole sport is very Russian-centric in terms of politics and aesthetics.


Record Breaker
Jan 15, 2010
So, how many points did Gracie allow herself to lose? So unfair that Tuk is that far ahead with no artistic skills to speak of. Both Tuk and Radio were slightly over-scored IMO. All Liza has to do is land those jumps and shimmy. But boy, Gracie! Nodding that the scoring was fair, but I do hope she not accepting that it okay for her to be behind Radio and Liza Tuk, cuz it ain't! I sure as hell would NOT be satisfied with such a result. Gracie has the tech skills and right now she is way more polished than Liza and with a higher level of maturity than Radio.

Are you implying that Gracie has artistic skills? Because that is the first time I have ever hear anyone other than that one banned user and gallantrywhatever on YouTube say that.


On the Ice
Dec 17, 2011
I had wanted to know why they did not give wrong edge deduction for Samatha's lutz but then I saw Alexander Lakernik as a technical controller... :disapp:


On the Ice
Jan 19, 2014
Actually I predicted Radionova to be in the lead, Liza the second and Gracie third. Now Liza brings it out and comes into the lead. I am happy.

Still think Mae was underscored. :unsure:

Mae underscored yes.
And it's not the first time.
Judges don't like her look so sad.


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
If Mirai had done her 3-3 combo, she would probably be in 4th place. So sad for her.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
My newbie eyes are itching to see the protocols - I'm curious to see what gave Liza the advantage over Elena.

Non-expert here, but I would venture to guess quality marks on the jumps (Liza over Elena) and basic maturity in quality of skating (also Liza over Elena).

I can't understand those who are complaining about a lack of artistry from Liza. I think she's improved leaps and bounds from the little girl she used to be who didn't even use the whole ice surface. Bolero isn't my favourite, but she interpreted it decently.

What really struck me about this competition overall was how prepared for the season the two Russian girls looked compared to most of the rest of the field. The sheer amount of energy and speed they had this early in the season is impressive. Gold and Imai also looked prepared in this sense. Most of the rest of the field distinctly did not, crawling through transitions and footwork at painfully slow speed.


Feb 16, 2010
I've kind of biased toward Park, but seriously, even taking that bias away, I feel like she skated the best with fire today..
Elena skates too much like a kid, and Liza, although extremely solid (so glad that she's back) was, to be honest, kind of boring...

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Wasn't Skate america built on building up Gracie as a world threat? What I mean is they did not put more threatening American or Russia skaters against her. I guess Mirai could have been a huge threat but we all know she could go the other way. Gracie is a true American princess without her crown - yet. She could still win the competition. Rad looked nervous and that growth could be causing some issues.Tut is fighting to regain consistency - Idon't think Tut is bad artistically; kind of like Slutskaya but Idon't like her look it is still worthy of being marked fairly See I remember a coach saying once you could lose a debate but win on score if that make sense. Your opinion may be against the judge but you won based on presentation and the elements not on the opinion or in skating style. Ie I don't like country music but if the skater had a good costume, used the music well, interject some good choreo that went with the music something you hate in principle gets amazing high marks.


Apr 28, 2011
Are you implying that Gracie has artistic skills? Because that is the first time I have ever hear anyone other than that one banned user and gallantrywhatever on YouTube say that.

No, I don't think Gracie is brilliant artistically, yet she has improved and is not as boring as Tuk, IMHO!!! Gracie definitely has more maturity and polish than Elena right now, but Elena has seemingly much more desire, presence and potential to be electric on the ice. ITA with the fact that Elena is a stick of artistic dynamite, but she need to wait awhile before exploding. I dislike seeing her trying to explode prematurely with all this ambitious music that is beyond her ability to interpret effectively at this point. I think the judges over-reward young prodigies too early, and they have a tradition of doing that from Oksana through Tara and onward to the present. I think Gracie's tech ability is greater right now, but Gracie don't deliver consistently (too many nerves not handled well) so that's negligible. Tuk has great tech skills and maximum determination and desire too, but she's not an artistically expressive or musically interpretive skater and she gets too much credit, just because she can jump well. Gracie has a better overall package than both Elena and Tuk right now. But again, that don't amount to much if you don't deliver. Plus despite some clout in the world of fs, U.S. fed has always been clueless about politicking effectively for their skaters. And if the skaters don't deliver consistently, that also makes politicking problematical for U.S. fed.


Jun 28, 2014
Radio's lutz :bang: I was wondering the tech difference because of the Lz-T and T-T. Only saw the Lz when I rewatched the program. I'm happy that Liza is in 1st place :)


Dec 19, 2012
I'm a big fan of Elena--she is a pint size fire cracker--but I love Liza! She is back! :yay: Both Elena and Liza are terrific performers :love:

I'm sad for Mirai--I was hoping for a good season for her (well, it's still early, so there's still hope). Not a big fan of Gracie--her skating comes across as calculated instead of an interpretation of the music. I also don't like it when skaters keep their music for several season, unless the season was cut short due to injury.


Oct 25, 2014
Liza commanded the ice like nobody else can do better. she is back. not just technically, but mentally too. I saw Liza of 2011 today and it might be too
soon to say this but this season finally might be hers. Bon chance Tuk!


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
It's not if Radionova got less than 30.

If Radionova's PCS was higher I could agree, hence the comparison I made instead of just commenting on the score itself.

You said Grace was overscored. Whether Elena was under-scored is another issue.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Can someone please put that Latin phase in....cause you know...this convo can use it.


Sedated by Modonium
Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2010
Are you implying that Gracie has artistic skills? Because that is the first time I have ever hear anyone other than that one banned user and gallantrywhatever on YouTube say that.

I thought she improved alot actually. She actually slowed down during key moments instead of rush through the movement like some over energized bunny as she used to.


Pray one day we'll open our eyes.
Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
It's actually Liza's PB. One more step closer to 70s.