2014 Skate America Ladies SP 10/25 | Page 26 | Golden Skate

2014 Skate America Ladies SP 10/25


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
Well she might as well be best at something! DIZASTAHHHhhh...

She was trying to tack on a 2T after missing her combo and she popped it. The "disaster" if there was one, was in falling on the 3F in her 3-3 combo. She probably lost 10 points on that element, including the deduction for the fall.


Oct 25, 2014
I don't see anything mature in Gracie's movements. She doesn't know how to use her body at all. Her jumps are strong but spins are weak. She has a gorgeous face but her facial and body expressions are just stiff. I still think she will be a contender in any events because of her big link coverage, jumps but I personally do not enjoy her skating. Just IMO. she is older than a few girls in the competition, but I really don't see the maturity out of her.


On the Ice
Feb 19, 2014
get your sh together, Mirai. What is wrong with you?

Of course, I love her very much, her 2010 Vanc programs were my favourite, but since then she became so.. soft. And when something doesnt work for her everyone is like ''Poor Mirai'' and she looks poor. She needs to become a bit edgier..


Final Flight
Mar 17, 2013
Aren't you tired of endless complaining? It's not like Gracie has any artistry worth speaking of. And with missed spin and clearly URed 3-3 she is lucky to have 60 points.

I used to love Gracie's jumps, but what Carroll did to them is a crime :( She used to jump so high, complete the rotation in the air, and now...

I'm not a Gracie fan but if I was I would be encouraged. It was her first skate and what I saw was attention to her artistry. Maybe you didn't see it but I did. A work in progress, for sure but none of the skaters looked to be in mid-season form.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
I had wanted to know why they did not give wrong edge deduction for Samatha's lutz but then I saw Alexander Lakernik as a technical controller... :disapp:

and Ms. Elisabeth LOUESDON was Men's Tech controller who didn't downgraded Brown's 3A today. So what?


Record Breaker
Nov 1, 2006
No, I don't think Gracie is brilliant artistically, yet she has improved and is not as boring as Tuk, IMHO!!! Gracie definitely has more maturity and polish than Elena right now, but Elena has seemingly much more desire, presence and potential to be electric on the ice. ITA with that. I just think the judges over-reward too early, and they have a tradition of doing that from Oksana through Tara and onward to the present. I think Gracie's tech ability is greater right now, but Gracie don't deliver consistently (too many nerves not handled well) so that's negligible. Tuk has great tech skills and maximum determination and desire too, but she's not an artistically expressive or musically interpretive skater and she gets too much credit, just because she can jump well. Gracie has a better overall package than both Elena and Tuk right now. But again, that don't amount to much if you don't deliver. Plus despite some clout in the world of fs, U.S. fed has always been clueless about politicking effectively for their skaters. And if the skaters don't deliver consistently, that also makes politicking problematical for U.S. fed.
Gracie may be more polished I guess. However I actually think Tuk is a better performer. Tuk tries to engage the audience so does Elena. Gracie not so much. I don't think Gracie is a Caroline Kostner type of artist. She is not even a Yu-na. Her programs are generic. I don't think she deserves this big PCs lead. Gracie and her coaches could learn from the Russians and at least try to be interesting. With better lines.


Record Breaker
Jan 15, 2010
I don't see anything mature in Gracie's movements. She doesn't know how to use her body at all. Her jumps are strong but spins are weak. She has a gorgeous face but her facial and body expressions are just stiff. I still think she will be a contender in any events because of her big link coverage, jumps but I personally do not enjoy her skating. Just IMO. she is older than a few girls in the competition, but I really don't see the maturity out of her.

Agreed. And I don't know if her jumps are really that strong anymore...


Final Flight
Nov 22, 2013
You really are a piece of work. :rolleye:
Do you actually like Figure Skating, or you just like playing the super judge and complain all the time because things don't go as you wish?! Give it a rest and enjoy, if you can manage. :sarcasm:

I second this


Pray one day we'll open our eyes.
Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
I don't see anything mature in Gracie's movements. She doesn't know how to use her body at all. Her jumps are strong but spins are weak. She has a gorgeous face but her facial and body expressions are just stiff. I still think she will be a contender in any events because of her big link coverage, jumps but I personally do not enjoy her skating. Just IMO. she is older than a few girls in the competition, but I really don't see the maturity out of her.

Perhaps, someone think that slower pace defines maturity. IMO she's probably more mature than Elena, but not Liza.


On the Ice
Dec 17, 2011
Well, but Ashley weren't skating here this year. IMO, Sammi Cesario has the nerve, the packaging and the presence, if not yet the heavy weight tech arsenal to deliver competitively. But politically-speaking, she won't get the rep points until the fed says she's the ONE.

I know she is not competing here but I see rude comments for Ashley in every website.It's like Americans are denying her achievements even though she gave the programs that Americans wanted to see in GP series -especially in Skate America-, unlike Gracie and Mirai.


Record Breaker
Jan 15, 2010
I know she is not competing here but I see rude comments for Ashley in every website.It's like Americans are denying her achievements even though she gave the programs that Americans wanted to see in GP series -especially in Skate America-, unlike Gracie and Mirai.

...You must not be looking in the right place.