2018 Olympic Figure Skating Free Dance | Page 100 | Golden Skate

2018 Olympic Figure Skating Free Dance


Oct 11, 2017
"I'm kind of blown away by this thread, to be honest. Are people seriously saying Virtue/Moir are mediocre skaters with mediocre skating skills and minimal artistry? Like...really? I rooted for Davis/White in 2014 (you know, when D/W were the team with zero skill and V/M were the legendary artistes) and ubered the Shibs here, so I don't have a horse in this race. I feel like it's been obvious for years that both Virtue/Moir and Papadakis/Cizeron are once-in-a-generation skaters, performers, and artists, and one team just edged out the other one here. Reading this thread is proof that not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but that people will tear down another team to boost their favorites."

exactly...great post!


Oct 23, 2014
It's to bad about her costume,BUT for the most important skate so far for this team, wouldn't you think they would make dam sure there would be no malfunctions,like maybe a zipper instead of what ever they had for the neck closure? Hasn't she worn this costume all season.Do they check for wear and tear--just sayin, No one to blame but themselves.


Jan 10, 2014
And they aren't blaming anyone. They haven't blamed anyone. They have been very gracious and good sports in defeat.


Nov 2, 2005
I never understand when some people's favorites lose that they have to tear apart the winners. Yes you want your favorite to win. P/C took the loss with the grace and dignity of the champions they are. I do not think they would like to see the bitterness and hatred that is being projected here to-wards V/M. It is the judges decision and no matter how many times you go over and over if this had not happened P/C would have won. The decision is final and you cannot change it. You did not spend the month's practicing and working so hard to perfect their programs. Your skaters did. P/C are great champions and this time they did not win but they did it with grace and dignity and I think they would expect their fans to do it too Part of being a champion a true one is to enjoy the win but if you lose you do it with grace and dignity. We should be grateful that there are dancers out there like all who competed and just enjoy the beauty of their talents.

I 100% agree with your sentiment here, but it hardly seems fair to single out P/C fans. There has been some P/C fans with repeated posts projecting bitterness to V/M, but I have seen an equal amount if not more posts disparaging P/C. I'm frustrated to read any negative comments about either pair. They both skated beautifully! Still, you cannot single out P/C fans when this forum seems to have negativity from both sides.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Sara oozes confidence again like she did in Sochi but nowadays she's even stronger skater and performer than back then. I think her partnership with Kirill already have gelled, I was quite impressed by their sharpness throughout, there was no big errors finally and I think it allowed them to present their programs with abandon. Technically there was more quality than I've seen them doing - fully deserved PB I'd say. I believe they are destined to do achieve some remarkable things. Polish Eurosport commentators were praising them, one of them pointed out sophisticated arms movements of Hurtado that complimented music to the boot in Free Skate.

Yes, it's a very good partnership. I just wish Mr K would tone down the OTT theatrics so that there are levels of emotional intensity throughout a performance rather than everything skated/acted at the same high pitch. He did it in the SD and it was terrific. I spent most of their FD thinking, tone it down! This isn't an Ingmar Bergman film!


Jul 26, 2003
I 100% agree with your sentiment here, but it hardly seems fair to single out P/C fans. There has been some P/C fans with repeated posts projecting bitterness to V/M, but I have seen an equal amount if not more posts disparaging P/C. I'm frustrated to read any negative comments about either pair. They both skated beautifully! Still, you cannot single out P/C fans when this forum seems to have negativity from both sides.

Point well taken Dibbs. I only mentioned P/C fans because this particular poster is obviously a P/C fan and in most of her posts she is very disparaging about Virtue/Moir . I am well aware that there are Virtue /Moir fans out there who can be very unflattering in their remarks about other skaters. It frustrates me too . It is hard to see your favorites lose but it would be nice if you could post your feelings with respect for all the teams that competed. But emotions run high in such an important competition and is hard sometimes to keep them under control. I hope the ladies competition thread will give credit to all who compete and be much more positive.


On the Ice
Feb 11, 2006
Yes, it's a very good partnership. I just wish Mr K would tone down the OTT theatrics so that there are levels of emotional intensity throughout a performance rather than everything skated/acted at the same high pitch. He did it in the SD and it was terrific. I spent most of their FD thinking, tone it down! This isn't an Ingmar Bergman film!

Hmm, I loved Kirill's intensity... I mean, it's Don Quixote; I thought it was appropriate to have that theatricality


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Hmm, I loved Kirill's intensity... I mean, it's Don Quixote; I thought it was appropriate to have that theatricality

At moments yes, it's appropriate. But even Bergman's Seventh Seal had its moments of levity and sweetness.


On the Ice
Dec 12, 2016
Hmm, I loved Kirill's intensity... I mean, it's Don Quixote; I thought it was appropriate to have that theatricality
The thing is, Kirill is not Don Quixote in this program, he is Basilio, a character from Don Quixote: the novel is full of small stories of people that Don Quixote meets in his travels and, one of them, is about Quiteria and Basilio.
Sort version: they are a young couple in love, her father wants her to marry an old rich guy but Basilio tricks them all and finally the young couple get married.
Long version here: www.deceptology.com/2010/11/don-quixote-and-deceptive-wedding.html
I agree that Kirill needs to find a way to express himself in a subtler way and with a wider range of emotions, in his facial expressions, his body language... but it's a process and he is improving, little by little.
I'm a die-hard Sara&Kirill supporter, I can see that they seem to understand each other ok and the partnership is working, but I can see too that the way they express themselves are in different channels, the effect of their different cultures, languages and personalities… this is only their second season, they’ll get there!
I know a lot of people think that the program is a warhorse, old fashion… it’s ok, they are right. What I like about it is that they really made it their own version of this piece of ballet, looking for a spanish-russian balance, if that's posible :laugh:: spanish characters and russian music. I really enjoyed it!


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I know this doesn't matter as the results really were correct and Chock/Bates took themselves out of contention with the double fall, but when I looked at the protocols, I think C/B were sort of low-balled in GOE for their lifts. I don't get how GOE judging really works for lifts and other elements honestly. It seems like almost an extension of PCS and having the judges making sure you're put where they want you to be ranked.


Jan 12, 2014
Let me say first that Virtue and Moir absolutely won that competition and deserved to be first...imo.

However, in terms of sportsmanship Tessa, in particular, was border-line rude during the flower and medal cereomonies in 2014 when Davis and White won. Her constant chatting and laughing was, at best, inappropriate. Gaby and Guillaum looked glum during both 2018 cereomonies. But I didn't observe rude. This is one person's observation and I'm sure the V/M lovers will jump all over this. It did leave a bad taste for me but no so bad that I can't acknowledge how well they did at this Olympics.


Jun 19, 2012
However, in terms of sportsmanship Tessa, in particular, was border-line rude during the flower and medal cereomonies in 2014 when Davis and White won. Her constant chatting and laughing was, at best, inappropriate. Gaby and Guillaum looked glum during both 2018 cereomonies. But I didn't observe rude. This is one person's observation and I'm sure the V/M lovers will jump all over this. It did leave a bad taste for me but no so bad that I can't acknowledge how well they did at this Olympics.
:confused: :scratch2:


Final Flight
Dec 7, 2017
Ok, 99 % . I dont think she could spoil a lift if not that dress, dont you think? Whole season they got +3 for it. Looking at their perfect executed first two elements I doubt that she would screw up the lift which they cannot have problem with whole season. There is also second step seq which were almost always ( 3 or 4 competition during season ) l4 and better GOE . They had no bigger problems with that also before. and given the fact that NonT caused more issues during season andd here in korea they were executed perfectly I have reasonable doubts that they wouldnt spoil the same as much with that stupid dress. And they lost only 0.72? Please, gimme a break. They had that gold before olympics, they had only to deliver decent performances, unfortunately the bad luck or wishes canadians were heard

Whoa. You need to relax. I worry for your health.


Final Flight
Dec 7, 2017
You know, sometimes I really don't understand y'all. Who you find better is really a matter of what YOU like. Personally, I like VM more but that doesn't mean I don't think PC are good. I don't like their programs nor do I feel anything when I watch them them (except for Build a Home because that was amazing) and the opposite is true for a lot of you. That doesn't mean I'm wrong, nor does it mean you are. It's your opinion. It's what you find interesting. Both are extremely good at what they do, both deserved gold. Unfortunately PC had an some unfortunate bad luck in the SD but that doesn't necessarily mean they would have won if they hadn't had a costume malfunction. Yes, their chances would have definitely be better but in the end it is an unknown. Silver at the Olympics is still an amazing feat so can we please stop trying to tear the other down in order to prop up our faves? Just be happy for all they've accomplished and look forward to what is to happen in the future.

So well said! It was such a great night of ice dance with great performances and it’s refreshing that there is movement in the spots unlike in the old days. These teams work so hard it’s a shame to see these boards rip them to shreds!

Matt K

On the Ice
Oct 3, 2013
The top 2 at this competition were unlike any other seen, perhaps since 1998. Both pairs skated the best they could and performed the best FDs we may have ever witnessed. V/M are both 28/30 years of age and so to beat P/C who are at their peak was even more incredible.

Sadly, I think the Shibutanis' medals means they were never ever leaving Zoueva and Coldplay.

H/D were handed the bronze medal on a platter by the judges if going by PCS and GOE, but they totally collapsed in the FD and rightfully did not earn a medal. The judges were definitely trying to give them the medal but they just collapsed.

Matt K

On the Ice
Oct 3, 2013
V/M skated so well in the FD, that it even surprised me. I did not think that Moulin Rouge could be salvaged after the GPF, but they made wholesale changes to the program, music, transitions and created a new product that was digestible for their fans and even better than everybody had originally envisioned. Their biggest opponents were the judges, but V/M skated so brilliantly the FD that the judges had no choice but to give them their deserved marks. They have been gold medal contenders for 3 straight Olympics, which is totally unheard of in ice dancing. Congratulations to V/M and P/C for their great performances at these Olympics.

If the Shibs do not want to continue placing 3rd, they should change coaches. But they may be content at just medalling all the way to the next Olympics without any desire to challenge P/C at all. In that case, they will probably just stay with Zoueva and Coldplay.


Dec 24, 2014
People could contribute VM's final FD big score to any reasons that force the judge to give. But the reason the judges don't want to give them the big score is because they want PC to win. So shouldn't ice skatings fans be happy that the score of such a perfect, breathtaking program get corrected? Maybe not bad to see a process get corrected by a reason that you think there's a problem.