2017 GP Rostelecom Cup Ladies SP | Page 49 | Golden Skate

2017 GP Rostelecom Cup Ladies SP


Apr 5, 2017
Maybe she's no Karolina but being the second-best interpretor in the world is still an extremely strong one.

I have no idea what you watching figure skating for x amount of time has to do with anything. People who have watched figure skating for even longer than that and have actual expertise in the sport have said the opposite, anyway. It's not like I'm the one trying to prove an unpopular position or anything. I guuuess you could see her group's dance videos and concentrate on the different skaters one at a time. Medvedeva does stand out in every dance video I've seen and even is quite impressive. Example:


So much talent in one video:agree:
That thing they do with the arms is really cool.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
The Russian commentators weren't sure about this UR at first moment, Tarasova and Trankov saw it in slow motion, and the third one didn't saw it even at that time. So I must agree - Ms Laaksonen is strict to remember :)

It's clear as day.

The pannel has to rule in favor of the skater if uncertain and is not allowed to go looking for mistakes unless they were noticed/questionable during the skate.


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013

Now why did I actually go and watch this video??? :rofl2: i have to take the very unusual step of outing myself as a black man just to say: I could go to any city in the United States and find hundreds of kids (and i mean 5 year olds) that would kill her on those dance moves and leave her crying!! Saying she's better than the people in that class is not saying a lot. This is not helping me change my mind at all.


Record Breaker
Mar 18, 2015
It's clear as day.

The pannel has to rule in favor of the skater if uncertain and is not allowed to go looking for mistakes unless they were noticed/questionable during the skate.

And honestly, even if it was a little UR, they could have ruled it in her benefit: she bombed everything else anyway, so her scores would be low with or without UR, and she is at least trying a difficult jump, which imho should be rewarded.


Marin Honda's skating skills
Final Flight
Jun 10, 2016
Evgenia's team never manages to create a program as a whole. Each second of her program consists of individual and separate elements to gain the maximum amount of points. The beginning and the ending part to push the perfomance grade, the turns and leg raises to gain transition points, the frantic jump exits to gain GOE and so on...

Yes... there are ways to create integrated programs that rake a lot of points and yet, they don't seem too interested in doing that. I will say that her commitment elevates her programs. Good programs become very good when skated by her because of this. But she's going to be a legend, and I wish we got to see some greatness. I was almost offended by the roboticness of the step sequence. It took me out of the moment. I will be less surprised next time.


Record Breaker
Nov 2, 2013
And honestly, even if it was a little UR, they could have ruled it in her benefit: she bombed everything else anyway, so her scores would be low with or without UR, and she is at least trying a difficult jump, which imho should be rewarded.
Yeah, super strict technical panel that seems to go out of its way to look for any mistakes they can reduce points for. She'll be there for the FS as well.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
And honestly, even if it was a little UR, they could have ruled it in her benefit: she bombed everything else anyway, so her scores would be low with or without UR, and she is at least trying a difficult jump, which imho should be rewarded.

What? That's not how fair judging works. We complain when skaters don't get obvious UR or edge calls and now we also complain when they do?


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
Now why did I actually go and watch this video??? :rofl2: i have to take the very unusual step of outing myself as a black man just to say: I could go to any city in the United States and find hundreds of kids (and i mean 5 year olds) that would kill her on those dance moves and leave her crying!! Saying she's better than the people in that class is not saying a lot. This is not helping me change my mind at all.

But can the Hatala sisters get as close to a 3z as Zhenia can to their choreography. :)


And could Caro keep with this choreography or would it be too busy and not held out enough. I wonder if Caro would even dab :laugh:
Jun 21, 2003
I was referring to knowing the history of the sport and being able to tell the difference between sophisticated interpretation worthy of a 10 and good interpretation worthy of an 8. When I think about superior interpreters that I would give high 9s and 10s to I'm talking Lambiel, Buttle, Takahashi, Mao, Kostner, etc.

Here's the thing, though. This is a competitive sport. You can't beat somebody with nobody. Evgenia is the best out there. Naturally she gets the highest scores.

Is she as good as Lambiel? What a strange question.


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013
Here's the thing, though. This is a competitive sport. You can't beat somebody with nobody. Evgenia is the best out there. Naturally she gets the highest scores.

Is she as good as Lambiel? What a strange question.

I think you're jumping in without context. The conversation was never about whether she should be winning or not. Just about her particularly high score in some PCS categories. As far as I know the current system is based on standards and not graded on a curve.

Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
I loved that!!!!!!

Let's not pretend that my comments are without context. I'm not just some artsy person holding figure skaters to elitist standards. The sport has a long history. We know what good edges are, what good extension is, commitment to movement, etc. That is what I am judging Medvedeva by. And by those standards she has a lot she could work on. There's nothing wrong with saying that. This is not a fan fest. I am analyzing what I see before my eyes.
Well, i'm just saying that what you see before your eyes is not a focal point judges have before their eyes.. I have no problem with what you are aiming to see, but this is out of context when you are debating about scores, because that is not what scores supposed to reflect in first place. Good edges and commitment are just judged by more different things skater can do with his/her blades... I mean, how would you objectivly judged it otherwise?


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
TAT said that technical panel was very strict today and it really was. Look at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDeIyVePo9I&feature=youtu.be&t=262 and then you will see that when she landed she turned a tip of her blade of some 20-30 degrees to achieve the proper position.

Triple axels will never become part of the ladies' repertoire if the judges nit pick the jumps. Close calls should go to the skater. Also, looking at the height she gets, it seems a shame that for just a slight UR (maybe), she loses so many points. Maybe URs should just have a 10% penalty; they already have a GOE penalty.