Stolbova and Klimov split / retirement | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Stolbova and Klimov split / retirement


Jan 31, 2018
Sad. At their best, they were a stunning couple. For me, Stolbova has been the most expressive, dramatic, alluring woman in pairs, ;way above any other. Had this been married to technical excellence, then they would have been formidable.

Obviously I don't personally know them, ;but their public persona this last couple of seasons if anything seemed more chilled and relaxed than before. Maybe realisation had caught up that they couldn't force it to happen against adversity.

I wish them both success with whatever they choose to do - I certainly don't want to lose either of them from the sport - but most of all I wish them happiness. That's more important than anything else.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
I guess it is not about who has powerful shoulders though. Rogonov is closest to Stolbova’s level and we know he has the potential to get to the top. He was never prone to making mistakes. I think with Astakhova he was the stronger partner. So it would be realistic to aim for the next Olympics. With Sopot we know he has potential but it will be a lot of work. How do we know that four years would be enough time to get him where he needs to be? Even the best potential may not be enough if there is not enough time. He is a junior after all! The same with Deputat, although after seeing him with Bazarova I am not that sure about his potential. It was not always her making the mistakes; he made his share of the mistakes too. I think what is needed is consistency, otherwise one can’t get to the world podium level in 3-4 years. And with Novoselov, we don’t know his potential. Maybe he could get there like Massot did, or maybe he is not talented enough. The only way of finding it out is by trying and it is not as if Stolbova can afford to have several long-term partneships and then choose the one with the best potential.

So if I was choosing, it would be Rogonov. Sopot is a decent second option, but it may take longer and I am not sure if Stolbova would like to stay for two Olympic cycles.

But wasn't Ksenia trying with Novoselov this summer?


Record Breaker
Sep 23, 2008
But wasn't Ksenia trying with Novoselov this summer?

Re: Novoselov, as far as I know, yes. Just to clarify, we have been discussing who she could skate with. So my opinion that Rogonov as the first candidate and Sopot as the second one are just suggestions. We are not claiming this is what will happen. I have no idea how it worked out with Novoselov, if it did or not.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Which is why Deputat or Smirnov would be fantastic, but it's not gonna happen, and Lubov is nowhere near Fedor's league, I'm afraid.

A little tip to all those who like to portrait Ksenia as an ice cold, spiteful and arrogant b***h (cause that is what a diva/queen/tsarina or any such nonsense means to me): It's been said many times in interviews that she is totally determined when on the ice. She wants to win and she takes no prisoners. Surprise, surprise, she's a professional athlete. In her programmes she plays a role and she plays it very well. Javi is neither Don Quixote nor Charlie Chaplin, but he plays the parts in a superb fashion. Acting is part of the job.

I'm sure that anyone who has ever followed Ksenia's IG or VK accounts knows that fun-loving, belly-laughing, good time party girl who has lots of friends all over the world. Maybe the WeaPos would have a different description of her personality (in particular Kate). She is a very careing and loving daughter to her mum whom she adores. We all know those people who are intimidated by a beautiful young woman with her own mind. Well,...

Okay spill it. what are y ou talking aobut WeaPo and Kate - i thinkImissed something.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
I disagree that this is why they're rising. Yes, many skaters will "rise up the ranks" because of splits and retirements. This is normal. But they have already been on the rise by working on their consistency and having some great programs.

They were rising and then sort of got stuck and actually moving down a bit but rising because everyone else is retiring, injured andsplitting = Duhamel and Radford, The Italians are iffy, The Canadians left and right retired or split, Americans can't get it together, Sui and Han are out for the GP. The world is at J/C feet if they can grasp it.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
I've heard she's left choreographers in tears because of her attitude (the one you see on ice and in the KnC). There are other skaters who are determined and want to win (and do win), but are still pleasant to work with. Just putting it out there, no desire to get into a big discussion. However that might make it difficult for her to find a new partner.

I think to be competitive you often or do have a bit or a lot of bite. I hear that the Diva herself Savchenko wasn't always easy to deal with and same with Hanyu - they want to win and they know what it takes. Nice guys usually do finish last sadly.


Record Breaker
Jan 7, 2016
Okay spill it. what are y ou talking aobut WeaPo and Kate - i thinkImissed something.

Sorry, my mistake for not being clear. I was referring to the well-documented friendship between Kaitlyn Weaver and Ksenia. WeaPos are worshipped and treated by their fans often like divine creatures. If they (WeaPos) love Ksu, she can't be that horrible! :biggrin:


May 25, 2014
They were rising and then sort of got stuck and actually moving down a bit but rising because everyone else is retiring, injured andsplitting = Duhamel and Radford, The Italians are iffy, The Canadians left and right retired or split, Americans can't get it together, Sui and Han are out for the GP. The world is at J/C feet if they can grasp it.

They got a bronze at Worlds - how is that moving down a bit? I'm honestly confused by your comments.


Match Penalty
Sep 5, 2015
Very sad - I wonder if some of the comments from Trankov also upset them, missing the Olympics must have annoyed them, and perhaps not having Mozer meant too many factors that would have kept them at their current level.

It must have been frustrating being in their position and knowing they could dominate the quad but they were always stopped by silly and badly timed injuries.

I agree with what everyone said, I hope they find happiness and they leave the partnership as friends.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
They got a bronze at Worlds - how is that moving down a bit? I'm honestly confused by your comments.

For a couple of years they were moving up with wonderful programs and skates but then they sort of stalled. Winning a bronze while nice but look two medallists were missing,K and S injured. They should have won the bronze far easier. The Italians (2 teams) really are gaining as well as the 4th place Canadian team. But things are looking good for them with so many teams out.


Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
I remember now - they skipped Worlds in 2015 to learn the quad sal, right? Or was it another element? What was the real reason, does anyone know? That year I thought they were bound to win either gold or silver. I'm really interested because this was one of the strangest explanations I ever heard ... as if silver wouldn't have been good enough. I know, right after Sochi expectations were high, but still ...


the silent assassin
Nov 21, 2017
I'm really bummed about this news :( I LOVE Ksenia, she is such a queen! Her potential, both physical and emotional is just boundless, I hope she will continue!


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
I'm really bummed about this news :( I LOVE Ksenia, she is such a queen! Her potential, both physical and emotional is just boundless, I hope she will continue!

No offence to her fans but the only Queen in pairs skating is W. Sui. There is a balance that Ksenia has never been able to attain to make her compelling, by that I mean both aloof and likeable. I found her and Fedor impressive athletically and sometimes downright scary but I didn't feel compelled to watch their programs over and over. Sui and Han I found more intriging than some of our best ice dancers! She needs to find that balance, because within this last quad she had become much too inconsistent.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
@ bramweld, I feel the same as you and I've never warmed up to this former pair, but I think it's simply a matter of taste, there's no 'better' and 'worse'. Some will prefer Ksenia, some Wenjing, others Aljona or someone else. ;)


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Having heard this news I decided to re-watch GPF 2015 where S/K were truly magnificent - how sad we'll never see them again (together anyway)
Also was shocked that out of 7 pairs taking part in that GPF only one will be competing this season: Alexa & Chris, the rest either split or retired


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013
I'm very late. While they had their limitations I always wanted to watch them. She's one of my favorite pairs women of the past couple quads. I will miss their beautiful skating skills.


The Notorious SEW
Record Breaker
Jan 11, 2014
I really, really thought after Sochi that S/K were going to be the next great Russian pairs team. I feel like injuries really stalled their career together. Whatever their futures hold I hope they are both happy and healthy.

I really feel sorry for kevinVchicago. He loved Ksenia.


On the Ice
Jun 17, 2017
No offence to her fans but the only Queen in pairs skating is W. Sui. There is a balance that Ksenia has never been able to attain to make her compelling, by that I mean both aloof and likeable. I found her and Fedor impressive athletically and sometimes downright scary but I didn't feel compelled to watch their programs over and over. Sui and Han I found more intriging than some of our best ice dancers! She needs to find that balance, because within this last quad she had become much too inconsistent.

Excuse me? As you prefer W.Sui more than K.Stolbova, some people prefer K.Stolbova than Sui. Or Aliona, or Meagan, or Vanessa, or Evgenia, or Valentina, or Xiaoyu, or Kirsten, or Julianne, etc.