2017 Jr Worlds Ladies SP | Page 53 | Golden Skate

2017 Jr Worlds Ladies SP


Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
Marin should have 33 or 34 in PCS compare to Alina. This girl skates like a clean Carolina. So refined, skating skills top notch. Class of the field. If this is judged correctly, she would get 73-74. This actually should be better score than the crap put out from medvedeva.

Alina is so sloppy in her program. I do get her TES, but PCS is 2 points higher than the mess she puts out. That is a half way program. Everything is halfway done before moving on to next.

Kaori has really good ss, but she does skate juniorish. I think she will go far like Mai next year. A little bland but all around good.

Eunsoo should get higher PCS, at least the same or higher than Yuna and Alina.

Yuna is ok. I can appreciate the good skating skills but everything else is just ok. Nothing makes her stand out from this deep field.

Polina is not progressing for 2 years. Still the same miming going through the motion like a bad rehearsed actress. Her 3lutz looks clean though. 3 toe should be downgraded for a toe axel + landing over 1/4 turn. 3 loop is UR for sure. She doesn't snap into the rotation fast enough and when she's not in top shape, it will show up. Kinda like Karen Chen in that regard. Big jump, slow rotation, on a bad day, multiple UR. Her PCS is too high, should be lower.

It's not slow rotation. It's delayed rotation. An advanced technique in jumping, which garners more points.


Match Penalty
Jan 4, 2010
It's not slow rotation. It's delayed rotation. An advanced technique in jumping, which garners more points.

Not really. You can see some past delayed rotation and compare. Polina is just slow at getting into rotation and not rotating fast enough.


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014

*looks at the standing* :reye:

What happened to Polina...yikes.


On the Ice
Sep 8, 2016
Just watched a select few replays and fully impressed as always with Eun Soo and Marin. For being so young, Eun Soo skates like a seasoned professional with such control, elegance and maturity. Just love watching her perform! Marin, this girl has the "IT FACTOR" and knows how to compete while doing so with such a personality and sophistication, just love her.

US ladies, well, the US is and always has been an athletic powerhouse (partly due to it's pool of athletes) so a top 10 at any and all international competitions is or should be expected. Sadly, many seem to be conditioned to accept a placement in the top 10 as a successful debut when Russia/Japan/Korea view anything other than podium as a failure. USFSA is thirsting for talent but these gals do not seem to be the answer. In this event, Amber was truly our only hope (and I say that loosely) for at least a top 5.

Alina is simply ridiculous, at 14 y.o. she is putting up scores and performances like no other. Not a fan of the Russian skaters (just to qualify, Russian athletes in general, for many reasons as I spent about 5 years in Russia and had some personal experiences), but to see Alina grow and continue to grow with sizable improvements year over year is remarkable. I love the catch and release system as it seems to really produce results, at least back-ended, short-term results that are repeatable.

So looking forward to the FS and hoping for a Gonzaga like finish to the season.


Final Flight
Nov 23, 2014
Tsurskaya's jumps (esp. loop and lutz) had less than 1/4 of UR. And she had to be way higher in PCS - she is in her own league there.
I never can stand Marin - that "princess" oversugaryness just makes me want to vomit, like Gracie a few years ago. Hope in seniors she will show more differse programs and interesting characters.
Alina was great, very effective, and technically seemed unbeatable, but I do agree with some people about overloadness, and hope in future she will learn how to do every movement really meaning it, while won't lose her consistency.
Pity for Stasya - she is such a great performer - like Adelina, hopefully she will redeem tomorrow.
Kaori with her ups and down has always been underestimated in shade of "pretty" skaters like Marin, but she can skate her LP very well - I wonder if she could maintain her position.
Happy for Eunsoo - my favorite of Korean skaters - hope she will do it clean tomorrow and get on the podium.

What a fun day we will have tomorrow!


Record Breaker
Dec 30, 2016
I never can stand Marin - that "princess" oversugaryness just makes me want to vomit, like Gracie a few years ago. Hope in seniors she will show more differse programs and interesting characters.

Was Marin's last year's FP and is this year's FP really "princessy" though? I don't think they are. Her SPs have smiliar feel but they suit them and I think you should accept more diverse programs yourself ;) But obviously we all have different tastes, I like Marin's free programs more :agree:


Ava artwork by talented ShampooNeko
Final Flight
Jan 29, 2017
I think when talking about juniors we should choose words more carefully and some of the posts are just rude (((


Oct 8, 2015
I'm looking at some of the videos on YouTube already on Alina's SP. So sad to see that amount of dislikes.

I haven't seen any comments, but I was very surprised to see that she had won the SP. Hers was the last program I watched live before retiring last night and I did not think it was a pleasing program to watch. :confused:


Record Breaker
Dec 30, 2016
The racist comments about Eunsoo were the worst (not even only in her videos but also in Alina's and Marin's). How are there even people like this in this world?


Final Flight
Sep 13, 2015
I also don't like unfair UR calls. The thing is that we two obviously seem to have different assessment criteria when it comes to jump rotation. I agree with Mr. Amano on this one. The only question mark for me is Polina's 3Lz and the video angle for that isn't very good, so it's hard to tell. But she had problems with the 3T take-off so a UR on the 3Lz isn't unlikely because of that. We all know that Amano is a tough caller and that he doesn't care about nationality. Ask Mao. But this could be good for Polina in the long term, if this is really a problem for her and she didn't just have a bad day.

I asked serverl friends who attended the event,2/3 said 3Lz was definitly UR from their angle, which resulted in the poor take off and eventual fall on 3T.


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
I never understood where the "princess" comments come from. In my opinion, figure skating is a really tough sport that needs a lot of discipline and training. If you're a 'spoilt' girl and lazy you certainly won't get far in this very tough world. Is it because some skaters like pink and sparkles? We all know that figure skating is a very visual thing, too. I don't see anything wrong with dressing up and feeling comfortable in a pretty costume is good for your performance. You are extremely exposed on the ice and I think that's why Marin is a skater that resonates so much with a lot of us. She doesn't look scared. She thrives and glows and she enjoys what she's doing. That's a confidence in the limelight that only very few skaters posess at that age.


Ava artwork by talented ShampooNeko
Final Flight
Jan 29, 2017
The racist comments about Eunsoo were the worst (not even only in her videos but also in Alina's and Marin's). How are there even people like this in this world?

Thats really scary.... because those girls are still kids...


Final Flight
Sep 13, 2015
It's not slow rotation. It's delayed rotation. An advanced technique in jumping, which garners more points.

Delayed rotation is not an advanced technique, it's a more difficult variation of the jump. But this tech is prone to under rotation when lacking height/distance, that's why most choose not to attempt a jump that way.


Constant state
Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2017
I haven't watched any of the performances yet but from the protocols the only thing I can see is that everyone needs to work on their spins to catch Alina because that girl got average +2 on all of them (and level 4). Plus their steps levels. These made a difference in TES more than the backloaded jumps.


Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
Other federations should be more vocal, but perhaps they are concerned about the consequences? What initially took me by surprise was the fact with 2 senior wc that took place Asia, with 100% European panels and we saw what happen with the score inflation. What are the chances of having 100% Asia judges at a European or N.American event ever? Now it has become a movement. It is clear they want to build up Alina as a Evegenia II a la factory de Eteri. They now even have similar judging panel make up at a WORLD championships, when every one is really competing in a mini European championship, the rest are just formalities.
I looked into this a couple of months ago because I was curious. The main problem imo is that not a lot of non-European countries that are ISU members actually have ISU judges that they can enter in the draw. F.e. South Africa has one judge for singles and pairs and one judge can only be entered in one draw - mens, ladies or pairs in that case. So the big nations who have a lot of judges can enter up to four judges, one for each discipline. If you only have one judge you can only participate in one draw. So the solution is that the non-European countries simply need more ISU judges. If the ISU makes this particularly hard maybe you have a conspiracy theory there but I guess we all want well educated judges.
And I don't think that European judges highly favour Russian skaters, at least the judges from Western European countries don't have a tendency to do that (no proof, just my personal impression).
The chances of having a single non-European judge at Europeans f.e. are zero, simply because they draw the panel from European countries only because they have enough judges.