Effects of ISU's media deal - Figure Skating on CBC but not Eurosport | Page 23 | Golden Skate

Effects of ISU's media deal - Figure Skating on CBC but not Eurosport


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
It's just so frustrating. All I want to be able to do is stream figure skating and cast it to my TV to watch. Is that so much to ask? (Apparently yes.)


On the Ice
Oct 18, 2018
First impressions: The stream worked for me, so I could watch the Pairs' and Mens SP live, the quality could be a little better but I'll give them some time for improvements before I complain. What I don't like is that they upload the top three individual performances right after each segment, if I can't watch live I don't want to know the results before I watch it. Apart from that, please upload all skaters' performances if you're going to hunt down other accounts for posting them.

Sorry for everyone who can't see it though there's barely anything on TV in their country. :( ISU should at least make it available afterwards if the livestream is geoblocked.


Record Breaker
Mar 31, 2012
The youtube stream was great. I'd just love to see it done at 60fps. I have found that you get a much more realistic feeling of the skaters' performance with a high-fps stream than the normal 25/30fps. In fact, I would prefer high-fps over hi-res.


Record Breaker
Nov 3, 2012
No offense, but it is beyond me why anyone would wanna listen to commentary. Especially with the new scorebox that tells you what kind of element has just been executed.

While I agree that no commentary is better than bad commentary, the commentators provide a lot of value (imo of course ;) )

Obviously, if you know the sport well enough and understand the technical side of it really well, the scorebox may be enough and everything else would just be unnecessary noise. But a lot of people watching just have somewhat general knowledge, like, you can obviously tell when the jump is bad or when something is landed cleanly, but sometimes you see a jump and it looks good enough but the score is low. You can suspect that there was underrotation but it's reassuring to have someone point it out immediately.

And it really helps to have someone commentating in something like Ice Dance where the rules are complicated and it's far harder to tell (unless someone obviously bombs) why one team scored higher that another. Sometimes teams have showy elements and really stand out but lose to teams that appear to have simpler programs that in reality are a lot more difficult - to a person who is not an expert it looks like an injustice and having commentary would greatly help in explaining why things are the way they are.

Sometimes the commentators provide information about the difficulty of certain elements or about skaters you are less familiar with. And, in general, I think they provide a lot of accessibility to new fans (and this sport certainly needs them). In an ideal world, there would be options to watch performances with or without commentary, but for now I think a lot of the general public less familiar with the technicalities and new fans are losing out by having nobody to guide them and help them understand. Just seeing the score is not always enough, it is also necessary to know why it was so high/low :shrug:


Oct 30, 2014
I personally would prefer Ted Barton-style commentary(intro and talk during replay) when watching live... otherwise I'd prefer no commentary. And then I like to view the live commentary versions in retrospect.


Final Flight
Oct 20, 2017
Maybe next year they could actually have Ted Barton comment main events and leave JGP with no commentators at all (if Ted has time for it of course). It would be useful for those who only watch FS a few times a year and therefore need someone to guide them through.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Maybe next year they could actually have Ted Barton comment main events and leave JGP with no commentators at all (if Ted has time for it of course).

Nooooo!!!! I wouldn't want to see him give up the Juniors.

Whilst I love Ted's commentary, I don't want him running himself into the ground from all the travelling involved with doing all the Junior GP's followed by all the Senior GP's. It's a hectic enough schedule doing the Juniors, never mind adding the Seniors.

If we were going to have a commentator on the Senior GP stream, my choice would be PJ Kwong. I have tended to like her other times she has been commentating. Hey, the ISU already get her to talk on other things, so why not this too?

I personally would prefer Ted Barton-style commentary(intro and talk during replay) when watching live... otherwise I'd prefer no commentary.

Ted's mothod of commentating is the best. I don't like commentators talking during routines. But, at the same time, I wouldn't want no commentary whatsoever. Having somebody who can talk through the highlights, who can tell you what the skater needs to take the lead, etc. adds so much to your understanding of what you are watching and, hence adds to the whole experience.

It would be useful for those who only watch FS a few times a year and therefore need someone to guide them through.

Totally agree. And not just for casual fans - it can help die-hard fans too. The more eyes there are, the more things can be spotted. That's why I like having 2 people in the commentary box. Because one may spot something that the other hasn't.

I've already said that I would have Ted commentating on the Juniors and PJ commentating on the Seniors. But, if we were to have 2 people doing commentary together, who would we have sitting alongside each of them?

Over the years, I have heard both of them commentating alongside other people, but I can't remember who! :drama:



Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
Not that ESP coverage in Poland was great, but it still was something. And now there is no Figure Skating? Why the hell do I pay for ESP then? :gaah: Not that yt stream is bad, but the quality of watching is different (the sound is crap on my laptop unfortunately).


Oct 30, 2014
Current men's livestream is missing the tech box and had no graphics for when the scores were announced... hope those come back. [edit] It's back.


On the Ice
Jan 30, 2007
I hope they get rid of the technical problems regarding tech box and scores (they vanished several times). And for me the sound of the crowd during skates was too loud. You could hear clapping and cheering of the people close to the camera very clearly.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
I have to compliment CBC for running a tack sharp live feed on Gem for all of the events. And they're archived. Also compliments to the ISU for their archived footage from the competition on Youtube. I appreciate lots of opportunity to watch.


Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
I hope they get rid of the technical problems regarding tech box and scores (they vanished several times). And for me the sound of the crowd during skates was too loud. You could hear clapping and cheering of the people close to the camera very clearly.

Agreed. There should be sound adjustment. There were moments when I couldn't hear the music at all.


Feb 14, 2018
That I could hear random audience chatter during Anna S's performance and hardly her music at all was really disappointing. The only non-music I want to hear during a skate is the skater's blades cutting across the ice! 👿