2023 Skate Canada Women's Free Skate | Page 20 | Golden Skate

2023 Skate Canada Women's Free Skate


Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
Well, the programs seem to work for her...

I like this LP better than she short which is nothing but a bore.
And sure, skaters should try different styles.
Still I have two issues with this style for her, the first one being that I would love her to be a frontrunner for a different style for women's skating: powerful, modern, fast, sportive. And secondly I think she will never be the best at this style. I will always feel there are others who can do this better - while I can't think of anyone who would have skated the Matrix program like her.

Anyway, that was a satisfying skate from Kaori.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
well... you know... i took a pottermore test a million years ago, when dumbledore was still alive... and it said gryffindor... maybe I morphed into something else over the years but you are no hufflepuff no matter how much you'd try.
And I'm proud of it! I am a proud Ravenclaw through and through


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
well... you know... i took a pottermore test a million years ago, when dumbledore was still alive... and it said gryffindor... maybe I morphed into something else over the years but you are no hufflepuff no matter how much you'd try.

I'm a Ravenclaw! It suits me well as my personality type is Logician! INTP-T to be more exact (a turbulent subtype).


On the Ice
Jan 21, 2005
My favorite programs/performances here were:
1. Maddie
2. Rino
3. Lara Naki
4. Lindsay

Most impressive goes to Kaori though, class above everyone else.


Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
Well, this was classic Kaori. A master of technique she has clearly become at this point. And good enough of an artist to be interesting and not leave me with any complaints.

Overall, my favourite and most personally impressive today remains Madeline. But, it is quite evident Kaori deserved the win today in regards to pure score. I didnt notice any glaring deductions today either, but I'm not an expert in that.

By the way, interesting to see 2-3-2 combos - you dont tend to get those in Russia.

I think you have been very fair to everyone. šŸ’