Tuktamysheva plans to step it up for the Olympic season | Golden Skate

Tuktamysheva plans to step it up for the Olympic season


Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003

Tuktamysheva knows what she has to do in order to be competitive and she is ready to get started, particularly on the quad toe loop.

“I think I have to balance out the quad toe and the triple Axel in the Free Skating so that I have one quad,” she said. “I am doing it, but it is not yet that consistent. I want to work on it for the upcoming season so that it is practically as consistent as my triple Axel.”

The skater also wants to try the quad Lutz. “This is my dream,” she revealed. “Many people are telling me that I am capable of doing it, but I have trouble believing that it is possible. I want to do it, just to prove to myself that it is possible. I think I’ll have a chance to make it to the Games with a quad. The level is very high now and it would be harder (to qualify) with just two triple Axels.”

What are your thoughts? Does she need a quad toe? Will it be consistent by the time Beijing comes around?


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Thanks for sharing this!
Yes, I do think she needs a quad to get to the Olympics. In any other country she wouldn't, but in Russia she does. Valieva and Schcherbakova are almost a lock (things happen, hence 'almost'), but Trusova has quads, and Kostornaia and Usacheva will likely get very high PCS, so... Liza does need the 4T, she can't only rely on others' mistakes.
And good luck to her, she's really inspiring! I hope she doesn't get hurt practicing the 4Lz. I don't know if it's worth the risk right before the Olympics, which are another dream of hers. The 4Lz can wait, possibly, but the OG can't.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
well... well... i find this very dangerous....

take Patrick... upon his return, he knew he needed to get a quad salchow to get even with Yuzuru and Javi... he did... but then the exotic quads came in... and as he was aspiring to be on top, he was "apparently" working on a quad flip... I have never seen training footage of it, but I believe he was trying it, especially considering the ease he had with the 3F. He then showed videos from a small event with a two quad SP dust in the wind and a strange layout for his Hallelujah that made his fans believe that there would be a bunch of quads in there.. but bang.... he "apparently" was getting injured and losing confidence as he was no longer able to hit his quads... he dropped the salchow (and of course the flip) and focused "on being perfect" which, IMHO is definitely dangerous... being perfect means that as soon as there is a little mistake, you are done... and that happened to him at Skate Canada... and the rest is history... he barely recovered enough to do the team event at the games, and under strange circumstances even won the men's LP ... BUT... was this all necessary? What would have happened if Patrick just took what he had, including his gorgeous 4S, and just fortified that to the point of being extremely confident and fit? Would he have won a medal? Perhaps... Would it have been gold? Probably not.. We will never know... but in the end, I find that very few athletes are able to come to the O games with brand new jumps and tricks, and succeed.... look at Duhamel Radford, being the FIRST to manage to land a throw 4 salchow at the games... it's not like they are the first trying quad throws and landing them at other events... but it is with their experience and confidence that Meagan pulled that one out of the hat... (i love her comments after the LP saying... "I have no idea how i landed that")

Very very few athletes can come up with such new difficulties and manage to gain from it directly at the Olympics. There is too much at stake... too much of a mental game... etc Some may succeed to finally land something special at the games that they would have tried for multiple competitions before. But a first at the games??? The season becomes focused on that one element and everything else suffers IMHO...

In the case of Liza, she may have the guts to do it... but then, I am pretty sure that her PCS will set her back... I'd make the bet, if i were her, to focus on PCS.... she already could have an advantage with the 3a in the SP, if she were not losing points here and there.


On the Ice
Apr 10, 2019
Yes, she had a fantastic Worlds, but let's remember the field in Russia is far deeper than the Worlds field. She came 7th at Russian Nationals this year, and the only reason she made the World team is because three of the teammates in front of her at RusNats were still age ineligible for senior competition. Those three ladies are going to be seniors next season.

Not only does she NEED a quad to make the Russian Olympic team, even with it, she's still a long shot, IMO.


It's not over till it's over
Nov 13, 2020
I refuse to count her out of anything. Time and time again - she’s proved that we shouldn’t. It’s a long shot for the Olympic Team - but it’s a shot I think she can make.


Record Breaker
Nov 11, 2013
Thanks for sharing this!
Yes, I do think she needs a quad to get to the Olympics. In any other country she wouldn't, but in Russia she does. Valieva and Schcherbakova are almost a lock (things happen, hence 'almost'), but Trusova has quads, and Kostornaia and Usacheva will likely get very high PCS, so... Liza does need the 4T, she can't only rely on others' mistakes.
And good luck to her, she's really inspiring! I hope she doesn't get hurt practicing the 4Lz. I don't know if it's worth the risk right before the Olympics, which are another dream of hers. The 4Lz can wait, possibly, but the OG can't.

This was briefly discussed in the RLT thread, Tuktamysheva needs a quad but she also needs to make upgrades to her BV for both her programs:
SP: Eteri's skaters without triple axels are usually a few points within Tuktamysheva's BV and Tuktamysheva both domestically and internationally does not get a lot of GOE for her elements.
FS: For adding a quad to be an actual benefit to Tuktamysheva's BV the quad cannot be replacing a triple axel, doing that only adds a couple of points to her BV, she needs to use the quad in place of a much lower BV jump.

She might be thinking with the quad lutz if she falls on it but still gets credit for the full rotation for the jump its almost what she would get for a solo double axel or even a triple jump (given her low GOE marks for her jumps). That was how it shook out for Shcherbakova in the 19-20 season when she swapped a double axel for the quad flip, she scored around the same amount of points for falling on a rotated quad flip as what she got for a cleanly landed double axel.

I know better than to count Tuk out. She has always found a way to make things happen and Worlds this year was a perfect example. The field is so deep in Russia that she will have to be her best to make the team.

As MCsAngel2 said the only reason she made it to Worlds this year was because of age-ineligibility of others, something that won't be the case next season, and let's be honest if we look at the Russian Cup Final scores had Kostornaia been just a little bit better it probably would have been a toss up if Kostornaia or Tuktamysheva was sent to Worlds this year


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
This was briefly discussed in the RLT thread, Tuktamysheva needs a quad but she also needs to make upgrades to her BV for both her programs:
SP: Eteri's skaters without triple axels are usually a few points within Tuktamysheva's BV and Tuktamysheva both domestically and internationally does not get a lot of GOE for her elements.
FS: For adding a quad to be an actual benefit to Tuktamysheva's BV the quad cannot be replacing a triple axel, doing that only adds a couple of points to her BV, she needs to use the quad in place of a much lower BV jump.

She might be thinking with the quad lutz if she falls on it but still gets credit for the full rotation for the jump its almost what she would get for a solo double axel or even a triple jump (given her low GOE marks for her jumps). That was how it shook out for Shcherbakova in the 19-20 season when she swapped a double axel for the quad flip, she scored around the same amount of points for falling on a rotated quad flip as what she got for a cleanly landed double axel.

As MCsAngel2 said the only reason she made it to Worlds this year was because of age-ineligibility of others, something that won't be the case next season, and let's be honest if we look at the Russian Cup Final scores had Kostornaia been just a little bit better it probably would have been a toss up if Kostornaia or Tuktamysheva was sent to Worlds this year
This is the reason Tuk should go for it. 2 seasons ago I didn't think Kostornaia would lose to anyone and Tuk beat her.


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2011
i'm not sure if working on a quad lutz is the best thing to do going into an olympic season. the quad toe seems fine as she has already landed it and it's not new, but if i were her i'd be focusing on that jump, her 3As and the quality of everything else which is still lacking. not to mention it won't matter at all if they don't optimize her layout and replace a 3A with the 4T.


Record Breaker
Nov 11, 2013
Are you suggesting she shouldn't even bother trying? The Olympics are the only mountain she has yet to climb.

I don't think most people being critical about Tuktamysheva's Olympic team chances are saying she shouldn't try but being realistic pointing out she's got a big deficit to overcome and that the only reason that she went to Worlds this year was due to international age restrictions for multiple skaters that did better than her domestically which won't be there for her next year.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
There's so much to admire about Liza. Her quiet climb, the way she said she's learned to take things step by step and not expect instant results, her awesome working relationship with Mishin. Now, here in this interview, she's voiced that in addition to focusing on the next thing she can do -- and that's important -- thus the "dream" of quad lutz and making the Olympics -- she has a higher purpose in mind as well.

"I feel that power inside myself and I want to prove to other women that anything is possible. I think that each woman has a lot of power and each one deserves happiness. I really want women not to doubt themselves. This is very important.”


Record Breaker
Feb 17, 2010
i'm not sure if working on a quad lutz is the best thing to do going into an olympic season. the quad toe seems fine as she has already landed it and it's not new, but if i were her i'd be focusing on that jump, her 3As and the quality of everything else which is still lacking. not to mention it won't matter at all if they don't optimize her layout and replace a 3A with the 4T.
Agreed. Adding two jumps to her competitive layout seems to be a bit ambitious at her age. Besides, I don't think she would need the 4Lz and the 4T + 3A to make the team, especially now that she's gotten her spin levels and PCS scores up.


Record Breaker
Nov 11, 2013
Agreed. Adding two jumps to her competitive layout seems to be a bit ambitious at her age. Besides, I don't think she would need the 4Lz and the 4T + 3A to make the team, especially now that she's gotten her spin levels and PCS scores up.

I'm not concerned with her age, I think most skaters struggle to add with a high level of consistency multiple new difficult elements like a couple of quads, after all she's only ever competively added a quad toe once and she fell on it. I think she would do better working on stabilizing a new quad, her triple axels (this season she has frequently had step-outs that resulted in negative GOE) and working on quality upgrades like a backloaded triple-triple to the rest of her existing jumps vs trying to learn multiple brand new quads and adding them to the layouts


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
There's so much to admire about Liza. Her quiet climb, the way she said she's learned to take things step by step and not expect instant results, her awesome working relationship with Mishin. Now, here in this interview, she's voiced that in addition to focusing on the next thing she can do -- and that's important -- thus the "dream" of quad lutz and making the Olympics -- she has a higher purpose in mind as well.

"I feel that power inside myself and I want to prove to other women that anything is possible. I think that each woman has a lot of power and each one deserves happiness. I really want women not to doubt themselves. This is very important
I love this comment, I really do.