2017 GP Skate Canada Free Dance | Page 25 | Golden Skate

2017 GP Skate Canada Free Dance


On the Ice
Jan 15, 2017
PB from Hubbell / Donahue. I thought this was the best that I've even seen them so far in their skating. They make steady improvements under Lauzon & Dubreuil. I thought there is a case to be made about them getting silver here.

I think they might just be the best now in US. I was not their fan but have to admit that. I really liked their FD.


On the Ice
Oct 17, 2012
Oh well... same old story. I hope this won't end up taking them out of the GPF.

I'm happy they have two really strong programs and they look amazing already. H/D are the only dance team I'm really a fan of, so it's a bit of a heartbreak every time for one reason or another.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
2 hours until the men's FP? Great! More time to write down answers to questions and contemplate which two I will not memorize for my test on the 8th lol.


Final Flight
Mar 27, 2010
H/D was overscored. No way they should be getting these scores. They skate heavy and slow...
W/P suffers from being Canadian No.2 here.


¿No ven quién soy yo?
Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2014
They were hosed. Deserved silver, but it's Canada.

Could be crucial in making the GPF.


GS given name - Beatrice
Nov 12, 2012
H/D are brilliant. Again. That program WORKS for them.

and vice versa for me - they kind of surpassed the 'category' of music/program working for them for me; now, it's more like customizing each program, musical theme to them personally, to highlight THEM in front of all other elements of the dance. Their progress and character/identity development is stunning and so inspiring to see. This a mature performance of woman and man, they have their parts, characters to give out, but I feel that there is no clear, strict script for them written - it's more about flow of the dialogue of the moment, composing those lines by movements, gestures, expression. I, for instance, got really lost in the conversation there so beautifully made, the technical specifics, mechanics were far gone from my focus. And it's really difficult to focus audience's attention onto this 'difficult-to-catch/describe' part of the performance and to make it pop ahead of sole execution. For me, there's a right amount of everything there: elegance, sophistication, edgy vibe, sensuality - every emotion/impression done so in harmony with the choreography and the music, never OTT. AS much as I love WeaPo and was impressed by them, MAdison and Zach deserved silver in my book.

Ice Diva

On the Ice
Sep 10, 2012
2nd in the FD for H/D!!! :clap: He had a bit of a stumble, but overall I preferred it over W/P. Although W/P's SD was better IMO.

Of course, people will ignore that H/D were placed ahead of W/P in the FD, and wail about home inflation putting W/P 2nd overall.... and V/M almost getting 200 points (even though they didn't get a PB in the FS - actually scored less than their 2017 Worlds FD in Finland).

Nevertheless, congrats to the medallists! :)

Actually, they received 116.19 in their FS at Worlds - so today they scored more. Amazing competition. V/M are just sensational. I'm also happy for H/D that they got 2nd in the free - well deserved. IMO they are better skaters than W/P. H/D new US champs this season?
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Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
H/D was overscored. No way they should be getting these scores. They skate heavy and slow...
W/P suffers from being Canadian No.2 here.

We had to be watching different competitions.

H/D brought sultry and sexy. The only "heavy" was on the breathing. The only "slow" was on the burn.


Final Flight
Nov 12, 2012
So the panel of judges are all from Canada? Get over it!

No worries! It's been expected and over with before it began.

Obviously, we all know the judges are from different countries, Duh!

What I don't understand is, they get to Skate Canada and they can't seem to deliver it right. Like they're under a spell of "home cooking" is all I'm saying. No need to be nasty!


On the Ice
Dec 11, 2015
Actually, they received 116.19 in their FS at Worlds - so today they scored more.

I have NO problem with the Virtue and Moir scores here. They were brilliant. I felt Hubbell and Donahue outskated Weaver and Poje in both programs and deserved the silver. That they placed third and could find themselves out of the GP Final is what concerns me.

Cherry blossom

Match Penalty
Aug 18, 2017
I think Skate Canada "home cooking" has the worst judging of all the circuit. :slink:
Are you forgetting that its always been a three-way tie between skate canada, skate american and COP for the worst "home cooking"? because alot of people here seem to forget that.


On the Ice
Oct 17, 2017
Hubbell and Donohue were fire this weekend. US nationals will be incredibly interesting to watch.